I am a new Twitch Streamer from Salem, OR trying to build my own brand and name. I have been Playing Infestation: Survivor Stories since April of 2014 with 1704 Hours Played up until the game died :( and have been playing Infestation: The NewZ since October of 2015 with 1622 hours played (at time of posting) YET still a NOOB! I enjoy playing with 4 of my kids as well as some good friends and fellow Clan Members! I love streaming while I play weither it be with just a few friends, my kids, Clan mates or just running solo! I currently like playing all 3 game modes (Survival, Open World and Battle Royale) If you would like to join me in game just add Alaskanhigh to your NewZ friends list and send me a invite or join my discord server alway in there if playing! If you think I would like a game feel free to PM ME and link me to the game.
Clan leader of ~LG~ if you think you belong with the LG crowd then just type !clan
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