Rebel66sicn3ss играет
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые Rebel66sicn3ss транслировал на Twitch.tv.
I am a quick scope boss and I love the reaction when people see how i play. Cod is my therapy and has always helped me in life. Now I'm a grown man and it saved my life multiple times. Yea I know it sounds dumb but just bout anything that has to do with call of duty is great.. smh.. I hate lag. Skill based. The normal things.. but the community. The competition. The fact I can take a sniper rifle and pull it up so fast that I'm confused about it.. I mean lift bam. Or bam and they gone. And I can talk bout anything ever.. and nobody cares haha yall watch my content and you will enjoy it. Cuz no matter what life smacks you with you can always make it easier. I'm broke and bout to be homeless but I still try my best. Work so hard and still nit have shit.. but man isn't the sky beautiful. Please I hope I can do more than impress you cuz my snipes are on. Cash or none I love to play and stream
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые Rebel66sicn3ss транслировал на Twitch.tv.
Техподдержка: streambooster.ru@gmail.com