hey im cptpike im a new streaming trying to make it big and meet new people and have fun while doing it. i steam on twitch (no definite schedule yet). im hoping to make followers and friends so i can stream more often and frequent. i need your help to improve my channel and brand, with support and advices on what to do and what not to do. hey im cptpike im a new streaming trying to make it big and meet new people and have fun while doing it. i steam on twitch (no definite schedule yet). im hoping to make followers and friends so i can stream more often and frequent. i need your help to improve my channel and brand, with support and advices on what to do and what not to do.
- 512просмотров на Twitch
- 75подписчиков
- 1уровень
- 1,745рейтинг
- 3,393общий рейтинг
cptpike_live зарегистрирован на Stream Booster более 2 лет назад. Был на сайте более года назад.