Disabled gamer, crazy cat dad and Twitch streamer who has been gaming since the early 80s on an old Amstrad CPC 464 computer. I have a pretty open sense of humour (No this isn't a red flag I really do have one) and joke around a lot with everyone.
I stream a variety of games, mainly campaign/story first plays. My community is always welcoming and good for hanging out or looking for fellow gamers. I have a long list of completed playthroughs in my Twitch bio including a few series marathon challenges. I am always open to suggestions of what to play next and love to play co op/multiplayer with my community on and off stream.
Please drop me a follow and I hope to be able to hang out with you soon. Thanks
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mforcevirus зарегистрирован на Stream Booster более года назад. Был на сайте более года назад.