mrtogood4you играет
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые mrtogood4you транслировал на Twitch.tv.
Hey, Im known as Mr.togood4you I enjoy playing video games both for fun and competitively. Age: 30
Location?: SLOVENIA,EU
When did you start streaming?: When I found out about twitch and starting streaming on twitch for a bit in 2017/2018 with some breaks. and now Im dedicated to streaming atleast 3-4 times a week if not everyday!
Why did you start streaming?: I always just loved to be able to interact with people and just have a fun time whether theyre in the chat or playing with me and I thought twitch was the perfect place.
How much gaming experience do you have: I have been gaming since I was 3 years old some of the games that I played were HALO,COD 2,COD WAW,Hearts of Iron 4,Assassin's Creed 3 etc.I can be competitive but I like to play for fun to.
Any other questions you may have feel free to ask!
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые mrtogood4you транслировал на Twitch.tv.
Техподдержка: streambooster.ru@gmail.com