JaviNinja69 играет
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые JaviNinja69 транслировал на Twitch.tv.
I am a gamer all my life, I play every game type and I would love to earn money playing my favorite video games.
I am trying hard and also have a website about how to make money and a Metal music band called Homicidal Funeral.Enjoy my channel and my streams, I hope you enjoy and learn something new and profitable for you.
Best video games I played: The elder scrolls 3 morrowind, oblivion and skyrim of course, fallout series, freelancer, half life 1 and 2, deus ex and all of deus ex games, online games like war thunder, star citizen, thetan arena, forza horizon...
I can be all the day telling about good video games I played, and I play righ now.I try hard to reach my goal of having a great twitch channel and creating great content every day, also with my band making songs and with my website, and my full time job.
Thank you for the visits and reading me!
Здесь показаны некоторые из последних игр, которые JaviNinja69 транслировал на Twitch.tv.
Техподдержка: streambooster.ru@gmail.com