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My husband bought me a keyboard and my first music purchase was this Beatles collection, Volumes 1 and 2. I am so glad I purchased this! Together, the set contains EVERY Beatles song (at least, I have not noticed any missing), even "I've Just Seen a Face," one of my favorite songs that no one has ever heard of. The music in this collection really ranges in difficulty in terms of notes, keys, etc. I was able to sit down and attempt some of the songs right away, but others will take a long time before I can play them as I am at an intermediate level now. Most of the songs are written to include the melody in the piano part so you can play them without a vocalist. All songs have all the lyrics written throughout, sometimes with repeats/codas, but the lyrics are incorporated into the piano part with 2 staves only. The compositions may not be 100% accurate to the recordings, but all that I've tried are quite close. Overall, I'm very pleased with this purchase.

The one downside is that each

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