Twitch Partner Program Description

The Twitch Partner Program is designed for streamers who are ready to take it to the next level in their endeavors. Twitch partners are people from all over the world broadcasting the most diverse content that you can imagine - online games, music, cooking shows, travel, creativity, communication and many other ways of interacting with an active audience.

If you regularly broadcast on Twitch and have achieved notable success in this difficult craft - regularly gather a large audience, have an impressive number of subscribers and provide your viewers with quality content, you simply have to wonder about the monetization of your broadcasts and become a Twitch partner.

Monetization on Twitch

The main way to monetize on Twitch are paid subscriptions. The cost of a monthly subscription to the Twitch channel is $ 4.99. Users can subscribe to the channels they like at once several months ahead. In addition to the special status in the chat, subscribers get access to special emoticons provided by the owner of the channel. A channel can have up to 60 own emoticons, it all depends on the inventiveness of its owner.

The second method of monetization can be noted the so-called Bits - the internal currency of Twitch, thanks to which you can support the streamer without resorting to third-party websites or a third party. Bits can be bought on Twitch itself and given to streamers in arbitrary quantities. Notifications of receipt of bits are displayed on the broadcast screen in the same way as notifications of donates, subscriptions, raids, etc.

Twitch shares a portion of the revenue from the sale of bits with his partners. At the moment, the cost of one bit is one cent.

Another way to monetize on Twitch is through advertising. partners receive a portion of the revenue from ad impressions on their channels. For greater convenience, channel owners can customize the frequency of appearance of commercials and their duration in the control panel on the Twitch website.

Partner Program Benefits

Twitch partners can assign special chat icons to their subscribers, create up to 60 custom emoticons. Emoticons are automatically unlocked and will be available in the chat immediately after subscribing to the partner’s channel.

Subscribers to the channel connected to the Twitch partner program have several advantages - verified user badges, special chat prefixes, beat icons, congratulations, free subscriptions for friends and much more.

Enhanced VODs Storage

Twitch partner program users get an improved repository of live streaming recordings. The so-called VODs can be stored on the server for up to 60 days, in contrast to 14 days for ordinary users. Sometimes this feature can be very useful.

It is also possible to relay their recordings in between live broadcasts. Thus, the Twitch channel can be online around the clock.

Improved Technical Support of Twitch Partners

Twitch partners get access to a special technical support team, which is carried out in a special section of the account. Requests for such support are processed much faster and a response from a qualified specialist will have to wait no more than 1-2 business days.

Create Your Own Team on Twitch

All Twitch partners have the opportunity to create their own team. The command prefix will automatically appear next to the username on the broadcast page. This feature will be useful for professional and novice e-sportsmen playing team competitive games and performing live broadcasts.

Playback Quality in Twitch Player and Broadcast Delay

Viewers can manually adjust the playback quality of the Twitch partner’s broadcast, unlike regular broadcasts for which the video quality is automatically selected, depending on the available bandwidth. Broadcast partners have a setting for the playback quality in the player, regardless of any factors.

Moreover, partners can set the broadcast delay to 15 minutes, which will exclude the so-called “streamers” in competitive games.

How to Become a Partner on Twitch

There are tips and “achievements” in Twitch, following which you can go all the way to the partner program from the beginning to the achievement of the cherished goal. First of all, you need to regularly broadcast and actively interact with a regular audience. Broadcast materials must comply with certain rules and not violate the terms of use of the Twitch service.

After all the tasks on the way to the partner program are completed, the owner of the channel gets access to the button that allows you to apply for the partnership. The application in this case is considered in priority order. It is worth noting that the passage of all "achievements" does not guarantee an partner program. The list of achievements contains the minimum requirements for potential partners of Twitch and was created to identify them at the initial level.

Having completed the "Path to the partner program", you prove that you are ready to become the full owner of the partner program and monetize your broadcasts. However, do not forget that you must constantly maintain the quality of your broadcasts at the proper level and do not forget about the principles of the community and the conditions of service for Twitch. Otherwise, you may lose your partner program and then you have to start all over again.

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