Apex Legends

By the time Apex Legends was released, there were already worthy and popular representatives in the Battle Royale genre. However, this did not prevent her from standing on the same shelf next to other popular games and delighting gamers again and again, despite the monotony of the process itself. This is the highlight of the project, where no one is trying to jump over their heads or declare themselves as something unusual. It's just a game that's enjoyable to play and doesn't leave behind a feeling of emptiness or falsehood. In the end, a development that has F2P status is considered to be no worse than eminent AAA projects.

Apex Legends Legacy

First of all, the product came as a complete surprise not only for gamers. The company has already established itself well with the famous "Titanfall", in which the concepts of "Battle Royale" simply did not fit. If in "Titanfall" the player was expecting an unbridled action full of drive and epic, then here the game makes it clear that strategic thinking is needed to win. An interesting fact is that the development practically did not have a marketing campaign. Just to offer quality gameplay - this decision was made to visually demonstrate the possibilities of the game, and it worked.

The whole

The main feature of "Apex Legends" is team survival. Unlike the classic "Royal Battles", here they fight in groups - 3 people each. As characters, players choose Legends - special heroes with unique abilities. Many of them will be recognized by Titanfall fans as the Legends were present there as small bosses. Fans of solo modes will be upset, because even if the created lobby is closed, the game will connect two more players to you. Such a rigid framework is necessary to achieve this goal. Only with well-coordinated work and a good cooperative will the squad achieve the cherished goal and maintain the position of the leadership.

Apex Legends

The success of any session shooter depends on the quality of the heroes and their abilities. Here you can see the classic archetypes of heroes:

  • hard-to-kill "tank";
  • support heroes;
  • assault characters.

As you know, the right choice aimed at general interaction is the key to victory. This decision was met quite negatively, because it distorted the foundations of the Battle Royale genre and could spoil the beginning of any game. But the developers understood this nuance, and therefore made each legend as situational as possible, which cannot outweigh the balance of power in its favor. Not the last factor is the fact that more than 60 people participate in the match, which makes it difficult to eliminate all opponents at the very start, using the tricks of the mechanic.

Powers and abilities

Introducing the system of class archetypes, the creators tried to reflect the gameplay as much as possible and minimize the weakness of the legend. There is no feeling that the character is sagging in something or not good enough. Any skill is perfect, the main thing is that it is played on time and implemented as much as possible. This is confirmed in the course of the game itself. Even if it was not possible to get the proper ammunition for the finals, and the hero is weak enough in comparison with others, he is still able to help the team, skillfully playing on his abilities.

What Apex Legends has to offer:

  • Convenient maps. The created locations are not so large that you can run around them for several hours in search of opponents. Trouble will be greeted by the gamer at every step, and you cannot do without the competent use of skills and ingenuity.
  • Search for ammunition. As it should be, in the "Royal Battle", weapons can be anything that is found. Ammo boxes and weapons are scattered around the map, forcing players to continuously scour for an advantage during the match.
  • Variety of terrain. It is rare when you have to fight in the same places. Shacks, destroyed houses, mountains - the picture is changing, and ambushes with shootings happen quite often. It is important that each new match is not similar to the previous one, even in the conditions of one map.
  • Dynamic gameplay. You have to constantly move, studying the map in search of ammunition, while firing back at the enemy.

Lively Interaction in Apex Legends

The developers understood that in such a game the speed of action is the most important thing, and took care of the system of markings and voice commands. This allows the player not to be distracted from the goal. The automatic weapon selection system also helps a lot. There is no need to read the characteristics, the game has hints about which "gun" will be stronger and better than all the others at the moment.

Summing up

While the rest of the Battle Royale games were repeating the same scheme, the creators of the Apex Legends game released a fundamentally new product. This game has already pleased gamers with new mechanics and impressions, so it has every chance to stay in the popularity rating for a long time.

Apex Legends is Now on Air

User Extramillions is now broadcasting Apex Legends on Twitch.

Discussion of the Apex Legends

BewaffneteKater, reply


need 600points more for Diamant in rank Modus ...:(

Guest, reply

Who is on PS4 guys?

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