
Anyone who is fond of stories about cowboys of the Wild West will surely like the new product from Zombie Studios, which was named "Blackwater". Translated as "Black Water", this is a rail shooter. The authors of the game admitted that the main goal of the project was to create a realistic storyline.
Features of the game "Blackwater"
According to critics, "Blackwater" is more like a game of "Cossack robbers", but the classics in the manner of Westerns still attract many gamers. The action takes place in one of the fictional towns of Black Water in North Africa, when it was captured by the field commander Limbano. The player gets an honorable mission to protect humanitarian workers. Although the hero was traveling for peaceful purposes, dreaming of building a ranch and slowly making good money. But the novice farmer was not lucky, the sheriff was shot before his eyes, and the guy willy-nilly has to get into a showdown between bandits and lawyers. In what way did the commander Limbano not please the modest town, how half-savage Indian tribes are involved here? These and many other equally important questions have to be clarified by the daredevil in the course of the game.
So, the gamer gets used to the role of a cowboy and tries to free the town from bandits.
Gameplay and menus
The developers have done everything possible to make gamers fully experience the atmosphere of the Wild West, and the murder of the sheriff is a vivid evidence of this. Before starting the game, it is recommended to thoroughly study the menu, each of its items is a separate task. For example, Options is a forge, even a blacksmith can be viewed there.
Driving a cowboy is easy, you just need to indicate the route by drawing the necessary lines. By the way, if you tap on the screen in a certain place, then the hero will shoot there without interrupting his step. But it is better not to scatter bullets, there are not so many of them and a daredevil falls on them.
Blackwater Weapons and Combat
Weapons are generously offered to the hero, the choice is huge: from pistols to machine guns. True, in those days cowboys did not have machine guns, but this is no longer so important. The main thing is that chasing the "bad" ones with a machine gun is much more interesting than with a modest revolver.
Some players note that the loner style is gradually getting boring, but tasks bring a good variety. However, one should not relax, having received an order for a seemingly peaceful escort of a carriage with a valuable cargo, the matter can turn into shooting in a matter of minutes. Wild West - nothing can be done. The authors did not forget to insert the episode with the train robbery, because this is already a classic that cannot be ignored.
How to get hold of the trunks?
Given the nature of the tasks and movement around the city in the risk zone, you need to select the appropriate weapon. You can take a shotgun or a rifle. The best characteristics are given to the crushing six-barreled gun, but it is not cheap. By the way, sacks of gold often fall out of defeated bandits, but the stock may not be enough to buy such an expensive weapon. And you need to add experience points to gold. Therefore, it is better not to rush to snatch a machine gun at the beginning of the game, it is more convenient to save money on quests, and then move forward a little.
For completing tasks, they are also awarded "stars", and now they can be exchanged for money or advance the hero's leveling. Defense, luck and attack skills are divided into 3 branches, where there are also basic bonuses to damage or health. Experienced players willingly use the dying rage mode, this original skill is also on the branch.
It is recommended to solve pumping problems quickly, since the game is very dynamic, you won't be able to make plans too much. Simply put, you need it here and now, not someday later.
Should I play Blackwater?
Gamers have claims to the game, take at least comic screensavers. They are cute on their own, but you can't get any valuable details from them. Even about where there are so many bandits in a modest and small town, and where the sheriff looked before, history is silent. But in general, "Blackwater" has good graphics, user-friendly interface, good gameplay. So for those who dream of cowboy adventures, this game will be great fun.