Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

A lot of discussions and emotions were caused by the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, developed by the American company Infinity Ward. Many critics note in the game a characteristic opposition between the desire to create a war drama and the attempt to collect some kind of superheroics. The players, however, believe that the action from the very beginning picks up, twists and carries forward, only have time to psychologically switch and act. So it is not surprising that interest in this "toy" does not wane in the least over time.
What does the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare plot offer?
In most cases, gambling "shooters" do not imply an original storyline, because the bet in the game is placed on something else. But - not in this case, this development has just collected everything and a lot. And the plot begins with the fact that in one Middle Eastern country terrorists kill the president and seize power, the United States sends its troops there. At the same time, a certain ultranationalist Imran Zakayev is declared in Russia, who is eager to revive the Soviet Union, having in his hands such a powerful argument as a nuclear warhead. An elite detachment of the British SAS is in a hurry to help the Russian troops. Further, the plot unfolds in several places at the same time, and the player drops out to act for different heroes as the mission progresses. It is extremely difficult to predict where it will throw next time, so it is important to be able to quickly switch and concentrate.
Traits of a Confused War
This game has a lot of characteristic features - more than enough, but it is worth trying to note a few. Realism is felt strongly, here and sniper duels adjusted for wind and distance, and defusing a bomb from a suicide bomber, and the capture of an airport. In fact, the player is only required to break forward, dive for cover in time and shoot accurately. And, of course, to quickly navigate the terrain and in their actions for one, second and third hero, never getting confused. And it is not surprising to be confused when they are firing from all sides, enemies are jumping out from around every corner, partners are tearing the ether, and something is constantly exploding nearby.
What attracts attention in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare:
- Variety of situations. The player has to constantly change roles, and with them the style of play. For example, helicopters are circling around the American infantryman, providing support for armored vehicles and street battles are spinning like a funnel. A spetsnaz soldier in Siberia has to jump under fire and listen to unprintable speeches from the wounded. And in the cabin of the plane - in comparison with the previous situations - it is almost a thrill, only the work of dropping bombs on enemy positions.
- Dynamic gameplay. With small maps, 20-30 people are enough to turn a picture into a real hell.
- Career growth. For battles and completed tasks, the hero receives experience points and new titles. There are 55 levels in total, and each one unlocks new bonuses, and the reward for the new level is special skills.
- Skills. There are about 30 of them, of the most useful - improving armor, enhanced firepower or equipment. Each class has only 3 skills, so it is very thoughtful to form the fighters that players receive along with the rank.
A taste of war in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Paradoxically, but in order to successfully play this game, you need to love the war and everything connected with it in your own way. Many gamers talk about this. After all, the main incentive for a career is new weapons and improvements, for example, a general gets the right to shoot from the best machine guns, not to mention super-sights and silencers. Killed multiple enemies in a row? Get a super welcome as a reward. It can be satellite reconnaissance and combat helicopters.
By the way, the weapon is felt real, the impression is that the recoil hits the shoulder from the other side of the screen, while maintaining a very impressive sound. Each module not only changes the type of weapon, but also affects its range and speed.
Plus or minus?
A lot of controversy among critics was caused by such an aspect of the game as shooting at civilians. When clearing buildings from the side of Captain Price, the question is "shoot or not?" becomes just the same in full growth. On the one hand, it is possible to get a bullet on the part of the population, so it is worthwhile to insure yourself. On the other hand, is it ethical to shoot at innocent people? The developers did not dare to give a complete carte blanche to the players in this regard, but many did not even put the very possibility of such a solution as a plus for the authors.
Gamers evaluate the animation and characters as "excellent", everything is very lively and natural. But there are also controversial points. For example, the fact that the enemies do not end in any way until you reach where you need to - it seems, like a plus, helps to keep the adrenaline. But at the same time - and a minus, since such a "meat grinder" greatly distracts from the main goal.
Should I or should I not play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?
Each beginner finds the answer to this question by himself, trying to start the game. Practice has shown that the average player completes the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign in 4-5 hours, battle scenes alone are enough for a dozen films. A lot of content, great shooting and cool action are a plus. The downside is an overdose and political accents, a too confusing scenario and an imbalance in multiplayer maps. In any case, it's worth a try, as they say, mastery comes with experience. But only for fans of military action games!