
The name of the game Hurtworld is translated from English as "The World of Suffering". It's almost like the "World of Doors", just not a provincial store. And, as luck would have it, the game lives up to its name - but not for the reason the developers intended it.
Hurtworld has a very strange multiplayer balance. On one server, there can be both incredibly strong players who control most of the territory of the map, and newcomers who have just appeared on the location. As a result, there is a significant preponderance towards those who, going to bed, did not close Hurtworld, but simply closed it.
In such a simple way, Hurtworld turned out to be one of the most difficult, hardcore and harsh survival simulators of our time. Probably, after all, the goal of the developers was achieved - albeit not in the way they planned.
Up the steps of Maslow's pyramid
Hurtworld, like any other self-respecting survival, begins with the fact that the character is thrown into the world without clothes and with minimal equipment. The hero suffers from hunger, cold and other difficult problems of our time. There are also a number of other players on the map, each of whom also needs to survive.
Therefore, the hero takes out his favorite bow and sets off to hunt. Wild animals are not only valuable fur, but also several kilograms of easily digestible meat. And some of them pose a serious danger to the player, since they have fangs, claws and animal instincts in their arsenal.
After finishing off some local roe deer, the player makes a fire. That's it, now the basic needs, at least for today, are satisfied. He has something to eat, a place to warm up. It's time to climb further up the Maslow pyramid. The next step is the need for security.
And craft begins. You chop up local trees to get boards from them for building a halabuda. You build this pitiful shack, look at it sadly and realize that the need for security has not yet been closed. We need to strengthen ourselves and craft weapons, because at any moment more aggressive wild animals may come, or even other players who also want to climb to the top of Maslow's pyramid.
Having built more fortified housing and crafted more effective weapons, you begin to look further up. There - the need for belonging and respect (reverence). The first option in Hurtworld cannot be implemented in any way - for some reason there are no clans or groups here, perhaps they will appear when the game is released from the alpha version, but given that Steam survivals can spend their entire lives in this status from the crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter before the sad letter from the developers about the completion of the project, this is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future. So you have to "close" the need for respect and reverence. And to do this, you take out a recently built shotgun and go to show who is the boss and a specialist in PvP mechanics on the map.
Hurtworld PvP Mechanics
The developers wanted to add a small limitation to PvP battles in Hurtworld - so that experienced players do not turn into newbie hunters - but, as usual, something went wrong. The original idea was as follows:
- Around full of aggressive wild animals, with fangs, claws and other attributes of predators;
- They are not only fearless and aggressive, but also with good hearing;
- They don't run away from the sounds of shots, but, on the contrary, get closer to see what happened there;
- So the shooter turns out to be a prey for aggressive wild predators.
But wild predators turned out to be either humanists, or just not numerous, so such a natural mechanism for adjusting PvP does not work. As a result, each player has a unique chance of being a victim. Some especially experienced server dwellers even wait for a newcomer to build a house, run a farm and accumulate enough resources, and only then arrange a full-fledged large-scale raid on his home.
PvP mechanics are not regulated (at least in mid-2020) at all. The developers just left the players to arrange a "royal battle" on the maps, and they themselves were engaged in a really important matter. For example, in the January 21, 2020 update, they changed the cost of demolishing walls. Now, 5 minutes after erection, you can get rid of the obstacle completely free of charge - if you want to make the correct layout of the location of the doors.
Hurtworld Transport
If you're lucky and you can get to the center of the map, you can find various cool vehicles there - helicopters, armored personnel carriers, cars, and so on. It will be easier and more fun to survive with them.
True, there are many players, but few armored cars. So the transport may already be busy and will have to be taken away by force.