Island Saver

Today there is a lot of talk about the need to protect nature, not throw garbage and plant trees. In such a case, the parents should set the first example, and rightly so. But instilling in children an understanding of how important the problem is, it is better to do it in the virtual world. An interesting and colorful action and shooter game offered by Stormcloud Games Limited is "Island Saver". Designed for children, but adults will also be interested in having fun in their free time.
Game Features
The plot is very simple. The hero finds himself on a very beautiful island, or rather, it is a whole archipelago. Bright, mysterious creatures live here in complete prosperity with nature. But suddenly the sea throws a huge amount of garbage onto the shore, and with it - garbage, such harmful creatures that adore chaos, dirt and chaos. They captured kopizhiv - creatures that bestow beauty on the island. The player's task is to save the kopizhivchik, and there are 42 of them on the island. It seems to be nothing complicated, but! Enemies, of course, will resist, and here a cool garbage blaster will come to the rescue!
Island Saver Gameplay and Player Features
The game is developed from the first person, which enhances the effect of presence. There is no cooperative, the hero must cope with the problem himself. There are practically 3 directions here. The first is to explore the islands, and there are a lot of interesting things here, and the scale is large. The second is to clear the coast from waste and fight with garbage. The third is to save the local inhabitants.
So, the island is littered with plastic, paper and even glass bottles, the garbage blaster can handle them, and it doesn't even need to be improved. But it is necessary to clean up the landfill as soon as possible, since this same garbage is still capable of attacking.
There are interesting quests that guarantee good prizes, in order to get them, you need to carefully explore the island inside and out. The list of tests provides options for both temporary and unlimited. To help the players - experience points, coins that can be changed to buy the necessary equipment that will be needed in the work.
What makes Island Saver interesting?
In the process of progressing players get acquainted with the world of islands, explore tropical jungles, arctic ice, deserts and volcanoes. It turns out this is an unusual game environmental lesson with elements of geography.
Experienced gamers provide valuable tips for getting ahead quickly:
- In order to move faster and get to new places, you need to find copies that you can ride.
- If you help the Kiwi bird find the eggs missing from the nest, it will help in the game.
- To empty the recycler, you need to throw in a coin taken from the Tax Machine.
- You can exchange fruits for seeds at the Kiwi bird, 10 pieces are enough.
To complete the mission and send the Scavengers home, you need to open a portal. It needs to be repaired, then 10 batteries must be found and charged. The batteries are thrown into the portal, and then the Scavengers will return. Then you need to pick up the golden key and open the gate.
Loans and Interest
The game is also interesting in that it gives children the first idea of banking operations. It is allowed to exchange any currency at a bargain price, use tax tokens from the Tax Developer to build a bridge.
It is still possible to earn the first interest. When gold doubloons are mined, a robotic banker arrives and takes 1-3 coins each, and then interest begins to drip from them. But first you need to collect any currency, there are yens, dollars, euros and rupees. The player finds the Exchange-machine, waits for the currency in hand to be at the price of 3 coins, and throws it into the exchanger. By the way, it is recommended to exchange all currencies for gold doubloons at least once.
If there is not enough money for the necessary purchases, you can take a loan from the bank. Yes, this is such an amazing island! To buy access to a new location, you need to pay, usually players collect coins around the island, but it is permissible to take a loan. As soon as the bank gives a loan, a calendar for 30 days will appear in the corner, and already on the 5th day it will be necessary to pay part of the debt. And so - every month, in principle, by the end of the game it is possible to pay off the entire loan.
In the opinion of parents, such an acquaintance with the credit system is very useful for children, because then they begin to understand from their own, albeit playing experience, that you take other people's money, and you have to give your own.
The pros of Island Saver
The game features amazingly beautiful graphics and animation, bright colors and amazing animals. Here you can find prehistoric elephants, unusual turtles, green rhinos, all locations are different from each other. Not only the weather changes, but also the time of day.
Plus - beautiful music that creates a good mood. Interesting missions have been developed, although there are some difficult ones, where you need to show not only ingenuity, but also cunning. The game is an easy, adventure action game, without blood and violence, with interesting and funny adventures. And most importantly, it gives children a very useful experience in financial transactions, teaches them to take care of nature, as to a living being that requires help and protection.