Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 is a multiplayer horror game designed like a first person shooter. The developers of Valve Corporation presented it as a sequel, as in the original, the events take place after the leak of a virus that zombies people. A classic variation of the zombie apoclypsis is presented, changed in only one detail - all creatures are extremely dangerous. The focus is on the four survivors and their fight against the hordes of infected creatures.

The end of everything

"Left 4 Dead 2" continues the baton set by the first part, which was more trial. Despite the unpretentious plot, where a group of survivors simply makes their way through hordes of zombies to escape, the game has gained many enthusiastic fans, and there are reasons for this. First of all, dangerous opponents - zombies in this game are not only fast, but also numerous, dangerous, even divided into certain types. Every second of delay can cost the whole team a victory, so interaction between players is also important.

Left 4 Dead 2 storyline and atmosphere

The theme of the zombie apocalypse is far from new, despite the interesting decisions in terms of mechanics. Therefore, the game captivates with very lively characters, dialogues, long missions full of humor, action and a spiced dose of adrenaline.

The introductory video tells how the main characters get to the roof of a high-rise building, where the evacuation is to take place, but do not have time, they were left to die. During long missions, the heroes must, overcoming more and more kilometers, find salvation. And the military can help. All these actions are accompanied by long runs, with very interesting gameplay solutions. For example, if you need to steal a car for a long journey, you first need to fill it with fuel. The fuel cans themselves are scattered around the supermarket where the car is located. And everything would be fine, but a lot of such canisters are needed, and with each new portion of gasoline filled in, the crowds of nimble and hungry zombies will increase. The players will have to act together, this is almost every key moment of the mission, in order to synchronously activate the buttons to call or start the car. And in this cooperation, as well as in the cheerful madness that is happening around, and lies the beauty of "Left 4 Dead 2".

Enemies and Weapons in Left 4 Dead 2

Not too much attention was paid to weapons and auxiliary accessories. From a firearm - a pistol with infinite ammunition, from a melee - a chainsaw. Here you can carry a certain amount of pills, grenades, as well as a first aid kit or defibrillator to save the wounded party members.

The game does not severely punish gamers. If almost everyone died defending a key position while the door to the hideout was opening, but at least one was able to take advantage of this, the game will count it as a victory. And in the next round, all the players come back to life.

One of the main features of "Left 4 Dead 2" is the special enemies that the heroes will meet here and there. Meeting them does not bode well, because when they appear, even the heroes themselves shout about it. This list includes:

  • Hunters. Dangerous, fast-jumping zombies that can deal damage while moving. Due to their mobility, they are a rather difficult target.
  • Smokers. Tall zombies with a long tongue that works like a lasso. A player trapped in the Smoker's trap will be in limbo and, without the help of other players, will be quickly killed by a crowd of zombies.
  • Fatties. Bloated zombies full of toxic secretions that they spew at opponents. After death, create a large explosion.
  • Tanks. Pumped-up zombies crushing everything in their path. They can throw objects at players, they have remarkable stamina.
  • Thugs. A zombie with an atrophied right hand. They make a tenacious grip, from which it is difficult to break out without assistance.
  • Spitters. Dangerous zombies that spew directed jets of toxic secretions at the enemy, causing significant damage.
  • Jockeys. Small but fast zombies jumping on survivors. Take control from the player, trying to bring him into the midst of enemies.
  • Witches. The most dangerous of all opponents. They are usually stationary, but can become enraged by flashlight light or interaction. It can kill with a few hits, so before attacking a witch, players should carefully plan an attack.

Overlapping stories.

"Left 4 Dead 2" not only improved the basic ideas of the first part, but also based its plot, echoing the original story. The heroes help each other whenever possible, and the built-in campaign of the first part will allow beginners to learn the original story.

An interesting mode in which one of the players tries on the role of a zombie, trying to cope with other survivors while they perform their task, deserves special attention.

A legendary game that keeps the quality bar to this day, Left 4 Dead 2 offers players a fast-paced and fun storyline filled with adrenaline, action and fun.

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