
Minecraft is an indie game created by the independent company Mojang back in 2009. The official release of this monumental sandbox took place in 2011. The project is still supported by developers and is constantly being developed.
In this open-world survival game, the player has to extract resources to build houses, castles and even entire cities. You can give free rein to your imagination, because besides a certain level height, there are no other restrictions.
When graphics are not a "bug", but a "feature"
From the first day of its release, Minecraft impressed users with its graphic solutions. The whole world around, including the protagonist himself, consists of cubic objects. Tools, weapons and armor - all designed in pixel style. Because of this, the game looks rather primitive in the first minutes, but everyone quickly gets used to this stylization. Minecraft ceases to be perceived as the real world. This is something alternative, special, with its own physics and logic.
The audio accompaniment of the game deserves special attention. Author's music organically complements the gameplay, creates a wonderful atmosphere. Interestingly, day and night, during peaceful and combat situations, the melody changes.
Minecraft doesn't have a storyline or a clear goal. Nevertheless, the developers have introduced a challenge into the gameplay - the main character must kill a dragon that lives in a parallel world. After that, you can see the credits, but this is not the end of the gameplay. After the death of the dragon, the protagonist continues to go about his business in his home game world.
Minecraft is a large sandbox in which the player entertains himself on his own. There are three game modes for maximum comfort:
- Creative. The character has access to all objects and blocks at once, he can fly. The most convenient mode for large-scale construction.
- Survival. The character has health and satiety. He needs to fight monsters and eat regularly.
- Hardcore. Similar to Survival, but the player only has one hit point.
Also, for the convenience of the game, you can change the difficulty level, for example, turn on the peaceful mode. There are no opponents here - only creation. You can freely explore the game space, engage in resource extraction and construction.
The map is generated randomly every time. It can be customized: shrink or enlarge biomes, add villages with residents or a starting chest. Each random card gets its own unique code. If the player likes the world they are in, the code can be written down and used to create a duplicate.
Minecraft can be played alone or with friends. The multiplayer mode is supported by the local network. You can also play on online servers. At the same time, there are many servers, both official and custom. Some of them are set up only to fight monsters, others are completely devoted to collecting and developing their economy.
Minecraft Mods
One of the main features of Minecraft is its wide mod file. Due to the fact that creating models and textures for the game is as simple as possible, new developers with fresh ideas joined in the process of development and growth in popularity.
For mods in Minecraft, whole separate bootable launchers have been created that automatically pair with the official game. Through them you can download thematic collections of modifications. The most popular ones are:
- Forest of Magic
- Industrial builds.
- Post-apocalypse.
- Tropical paradise.
- Pokemon (Pixelmon).
Almost any mod can be found for Minecraft. Some of them just add new objects, and some completely change the gameplay. For example, the Pixelmona mod allows you to become a Pokémon trainer in the world of Minecraft. The game developers support the modders and their creativity, so there is no limit for imagination and original ideas.
Tips and Features of Minecraft
Minecraft would not have been able to grab the audience's attention for so long if it were a simple sandbox without a lot of chips and interesting bonuses:
- The game is available on both PC and consoles. There is also a "pocket" version of the project for mobile phones.
- Developers provide public access to Relams, a service for building servers. By purchasing a monthly subscription to this service, you can create game worlds for groups of players up to 3 to 10 people. These cards will always be active regardless of whether the "host" computer is turned on.
- Biomes replicate the real world. In Minecraft, you can find yourself in the forest, at the North Pole, in the desert and jungle for just a few hours. The game also allows you to explore the seabed and explore the secrets of the depths.
- In addition to the basic game world, there are several more in the game. They can be accessed through special portals. The first is Hell, which is filled with terrible monsters and rare resources. The second is the Land, or the homeland of the dragon, which the main character needs to destroy.
If you like unhurried games with simple gameplay and well-defined rules of the world, this indie cube project will definitely appeal to you!
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