Move or Die

Have you ever paid attention to one extremely interesting moment - the simpler and monotonous the gameplay, the sooner you "stick" into the game? On this effect, some development companies managed to make a full-fledged career - Halfbrick Studios with its Fruit Ninja or Rovio with their Angry Birds are a vivid confirmation of this.
In such games, you can "get stuck" for several hours, and then come to your senses somewhere early in the morning with the thought - "Damn, I had to prepare for the exam in strength of materials!" It is better not to open Move or Die before some important event. The game, thanks to the three-penny, but very original gameplay, is able to tighten so that even the urge to go to the toilet will not distract from the constant movement.
Movement is life!
So, the synopsis of Move or Die is as simple as walking on a tile just laid by the mayor of Moscow. The player controls a small funny character who needs to constantly move. If the hero stops even for a split second, then his health will begin to drop sharply. And then, as soon as it starts to move again, it will gradually and slowly recover. So you can't stop!
But if the task consisted only and exclusively in constant movement, Move or Die would not be interesting. Here you constantly need to complete various additional tasks! For example, dodge falling blocks or catch flying candy. The game is fun and absurdly fast, especially when you consider that it is "sharpened" for multiplayer gameplay.
The term "absurdly fast" used by the developers when describing this game on Steam suits it better than any other. The fact is that a round in Move or Die lasts only 20 seconds. Already this time is enough to choose one winner out of four.
Move or Die Game Modes
The game starts with the fact that you choose your character. At the start, jelly-like human (blobs) are available, but further, with victories in the levels, the gamer will receive new avatars - ninja, vampire, dog, bullet with legs, cupcake, pumpkin or anyone else, the assortment of characters is impressive both in quantity and variety.
There are a lot of available modes, and the developers are constantly releasing new ones. Here are a few of them:
- Falling blocks. From top to bottom, boxes are quickly falling to avoid. Couldn't dodge? Well, failure;
- Sugar Rush. Candy appears on the field every few seconds and needs to be picked up. The number of sweets is only 1 less than the number of players. The character who did not receive the candy is eliminated;
- Hat chase. A crown appears on the level. The player's task is to attach it to the character and hold out with it on the head for 20 seconds. The cap can be taken away by touching the hero with it;
- Speed race. 20-second platformer - you need to manage to overcome a level full of obstacles, and also reach the finish line before competitors in the round;
- Color fever. When you touch a gray block, it turns into the character's color. The round, as usual, lasts 20 seconds. The player's task is to paint as many blocks as possible in his own color;
- Pressurize. Pressing the Down Arrow button creates an air blast around the character that pushes other heroes. The task is to send all your friends to the killing cells and survive on your own;
- Complete failure. The blocks that make up the platforms are starting to fade away. And under them are red squares that kill the character. The task is to last the longest on the blocks;
- Rocket Run. Homing missiles begin to fly sequentially behind the characters. The task is to substitute friends if you suddenly find yourself the target of a rocket, or just hold out the longest;
- Dizziness. Jump up the descending platforms. There are destruction blocks at the bottom, so move on!
It is clear that Move or Die can and should be played exclusively with friends. In singleplayer mode, when bots are company in the passage of tasks, and half the fun cannot be achieved. But to hear "Yes, what the hell ?!" from a friend who just exploded - an extra pleasure!
Mutators in Move or Die
There is another way to substitute friends for Move or Die - using a mutator. This is an additional feature that makes the gameplay much more difficult. For example, when the "18+" mutator is activated, all characters become naked.
So! Stop! Hands on the table! The fact that the characters become naked only complicates the passage. Because they are covered with a pixel censored grid! It becomes very difficult and incomprehensible to distinguish where which character is.
Mutators can also "clone" characters, increase their speed and jump height, fill the screen with random creatures, and so on. In general, if you want to piss off your friends, choose a harder-core modifier.