Naruto Online

Naruto is one of the most famous anime and manga franchises. And this, in principle, should not be surprising. Just look at the list of anime episodes - the original has over 200 episodes, and the Chronicle sequel has received 720 separate episodes. And 11 more feature films and 8 TV series-OVA.
This popularity is due to a well-developed world and an interesting plot, which, however, sometimes concentrates too much on the personal problems of the characters. But the universe is still interesting. The world in which the action of "Naruto" unfolds is somewhat reminiscent of feudal Japan, only with more modern technologies and widespread ninja art. So, almost every self-respecting daimyo has a whole settlement of such "night-stealing" warriors.
Of course, with the development of the art of ninja, the manufacturability of weapons was simply "hammered". Why invent pistols when there are warriors who can throw knives invisibly? And also local ninjas are excellent at using various magic, only it is called "chakra" here.
In general, the world of "Naruto" is interesting and diverse. And now you can visit it yourself! In the multiplayer role-playing game Naruto Online.
Sorry for being late, I'm lost on the road of life
Naruto Online manages to be a multiplayer, story-driven role-playing game. That is, events from the anime of the same name periodically take place here, which will definitely delight fans. However, those who know about Naruto only from not too funny memes, Naruto Online may well be liked.
The game combines real-time world exploration and turn-based combat, in which each character has its own strengths and weaknesses. In addition, it is focused on tactical multiplayer playthrough. At the same time, artificial intelligence can also control the rest of the squad, so it is not necessary to involve friends in a joint research.
With all this, Naruto Online works exclusively in the browser, there is no need to install clients or download anything; absolutely free (however, some things are very persistently offered to be bought for real money); and some characters from the cult anime are licensed in it.
Classes in Naruto Online
Like any other multiplayer RPG game, Naruto Online has several character classes. They differ in available skills, abilities and gameplay. When registering and creating a character, you can choose from:
- Crimson Flame. Has an increased level of health and serves as an excellent support fighter, as it is able to strengthen the attacks of fellow party members. In addition, he knows how to increase his own defense, which allows him to use it as a "tank";
- Nightblade. As the class name suggests, an excellent swordsman. However, it shows itself best in one-on-one fights, with a group attack it is not so effective. When playing for this class, you should constantly monitor the health level - HP has become the payment for agility;
- Blue Fang. Another class that focuses on use as support fighters. The characters of this group are well versed in local "alchemy", so they can poison the enemy or heal his comrades-in-arms. However, if necessary, Blue Fang may well stand up for himself, since he owns some ninjutsu techniques;
- Red fist. Clean "tank". Characters of this class are well armored, have a high indicator of health, and they feel best in close combat. They can use Doton's special technique in order to strengthen their attack and increase the defense of their party neighbors;
- Wind Dancer. Specialist in ranged and group attacks. To do this, he uses a huge fan-like Rasengan - and, with a successful movement, simply “blows away” opponents. Also charming. Male enemies lose control when meeting the Wind Dancer, while female enemies, on the contrary, become enraged.
In general, the classes and clans in MMORPG Naruto Online are also familiar to those who have watched at least a few episodes of "Naruto". Fortunately, the developers have managed to make them more or less varied and balanced so that no one has a significant advantage.
Donate to Naruto Online
Baron Rothschild said - "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things." I wonder what he would say about free games?
There is a donation in Naruto Online. However, it is not only cosmetic - in the local in-game store for real money, you can buy weapons, equipment and other bonuses that significantly change the gameplay. Of course, all this is not necessary, but donation in some cases looks too intrusive. And this is worth considering before opening Naruto Online.