Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir

Japanese developers make a game based on Scandinavian mythology in anime style and jRPG elements. What could possibly go wrong?
Odin Sphere once became a cult game. And, in principle, the gamers who voted for the project with rubles and likes on the Internet, it was quite understandable. The amazing combination of Scandinavian mythology and anime-style with the combat system typical of Japanese action games felt fresh, original and "tasty", and beautiful, hand-drawn graphics in the spirit of classic fairy-tale illustrations only emphasized the advantages of the project. However, the flaws against the background of the lovingly created backdrops also stuck out - due to technical flaws in Odin Sphere it was literally impossible to play. How can you deal with the enemy if during a fight (focused on action with jumps and other special effects) everything starts to slow down and glitch wildly?
The original Odin Sphere was released in 2007 and was exclusive to the PlayStation 2. After the release, the developers tried not to waste time and still "finished" the project. So the re-release, called Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir and released in 2016 for PS3 and PS4, nevertheless got rid of the technical flaws of its predecessor.
Dark Tales of the Northern Lands
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir starts in the same place as the original - in a rather cozy attic, with bookshelves, a small window and a large chair. The girl Alice is sitting in it, and the black cat Socrates is sitting on her lap. She is read by the books she found - they all tell the same story, but from the faces of different characters.
The first volume tells about Gwendoline, the daughter of Odin. This is not exactly the same Scandinavian god that we are used to, but the lord of demons. Odin fights with the fairies for power over a huge magic cauldron, which is capable of destroying an entire state. And Gwendoline just wants to be a beloved daughter. But the father, blinded by the lust for power, does not pay attention to it at all.
Only later it turns out that Odin has his own plans for Gwendoline. He is going to marry her off - not to a loved one (or some other fantasy creature), but simply to expand his sphere of influence.
After the completion of Gwendolyn's story, the tale of Cornelius, Prince of Titania, begins. The spell turned him into Puku, a werewolf from Celtic mythology. And throughout his storyline, he will look for a way to remove this magical enchantment, become human and protect his beloved.
In the third volume, the story is about the fairy princess Mercedes. Odin killed her mother during the battle for the magic cauldron. Therefore, Mercedes decides to raise his people to war against the Demon King and his minions.
The fourth character in the game is the Shadow Knight Oswald, Gwendolyn's beloved. And at the same time - the most powerful soldier in the fairy army. The fourth volume tells how he becomes a soldier, ready to fight for his kingdom.
The final fifth volume is the story of the forest witch Velvet, the beloved of Cornelius and Odin's illegitimate daughter. The girl is not aware of her origin, but at the same time blames the Demon King for the death of her mother. And, obsessed with revenge, she begins the end of the world ...
The beauty of the world in Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
"Illustrations from an expensive book of fairy tales." This phrase perfectly describes the visual design of Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir. You can even now surround each frame with a frame and hang it on the wall - they are so beautiful.
And at the same time - they are diverse. Gloomy lava dungeons with either dragons or slightly shocked salamanders are replaced by emerald green forests with a mysterious glow in the thicket of trees. From there we move to dark castles, illuminated by rare rays of the sun, barely making their way through thick curtains. We find ourselves in the frosty mountains, where the snow never melts, but on the other hand, you can meet Mauri - the famous Pook the cook! Lake palaces with guard frogs change into crystal valleys, where the skeleton of an ancient dragon lies.
The world is so beautiful and painted with love that sometimes it seems as if in front of you is not a Japanese action RPG, but just a cartoon. But then the bosses appear and put everything in its place.
Difficulties of survival in fairy tales according to Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
In terms of gameplay, Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is a classic Japanese 2D action RPG. And this, at first glance, does not at all combine with the furious complexity of the game.
Characters die. Very often, with striking regularity. Pleasant gatherings over a cup of tea in a magical forest are unexpectedly replaced by a duel with the boss, who, not only is several dozen levels older than the character, but also has a huge number of techniques. We have to give all the best for 200%. And the beautiful graphics are also distracting - you can stare at the enemy and miss a hit.