
For poker lovers now the time has come for a rich choice, it is easy to find games on the Internet, both offline and online, with live players - for money or for fun - with a computer. Many companies offer their designs, which differ in graphics and interface. But the rules remain unchanged, as, indeed, in the real game. Although there is certainly a difference between real and online playing at "Poker", these nuances must be taken into account.
Features of the online game "Poker"
For a start, it is worth taking into account that in such games it is strictly forbidden to swear in the chat, discuss the hands that are on the deal, merge information about which of the participants plays poorly.
Now more about the rules of the game themselves. Several types of games are called poker, but the scheme is the same. Participants place bets, and the player with the strongest card takes the pot. If the bet is not interrupted and not called, it is also possible to win.
Poker Rules
The game consists of hands, you need to take the pot to win. This is possible with the best combination of cards, you can still force other participants to fold. Bets are raised and called, if there is no chance of winning, then they fold and wait for a new distribution. Everyone immediately gets 2 cards, which no one sees, then community cards appear, they are already used by all players.
Before dealing hole cards, two participants make blind bets - blinds, distinguish between small and large, the difference in the amount at stake. Who will do this is determined by the dealer's chip, it goes around in a circle.
So, every deal of cards starts with bets. Then the players can act based on the combination on their hands. What combinations are there and what do they mean:
- Check. The battle for the bank is abandoned, announced when there are no bets on the current lap. The move goes to the player on the left. If all participants refuse, then the round is considered over.
- Fold. Players fold.
- Call When bets are called.
- Raise. Bets are increased, but then players must bet at least.
- Bet. Can be announced if there are no bets on the circle, and after that others can raise, call or fold.
In fact, poker is a kind of bargaining that continues until the cards are revealed. By the way, all the games called poker are based on Texas, so if you study these rules, it will be much easier to navigate in other varieties.
Now it's worth considering combinations in descending order:
- Royal Flush - high 5 cards of the same suit.
- Straight Flush - any 5 cards of the same suit, coming in order, for example, 5, 6, 7. Here the card order can start and end.
- Four of a kind or four - 4 cards of equal strength.
- Full house - 3 equivalent cards plus a pair, for example, 7, 7, 7 and 10, 10.
- Flash - 5 cards of the same suit.
- Straight - 5 cards of any suit, but in order, for example, 5, 4, 3, 2 and ace, ace can open and complete the order of cards.
- Set or trips - 3 cards, equivalent to each other.
- Two pairs.
- Pair or deuce - 2 equal cards.
- Kicker or high card - for example, King, 8, Jack, 3, 5 - the "high king" option.
- Four flush - 4 cards of the same suit, but are counted if there are no other combinations. In case of a match, the combination is considered stronger, in which the cards are higher, for example, 9, 9, 5, 5, 3 versus 8, 8, 6, 6, Queen. If the combinations and the kicker match, then the winnings are divided in half.
If a joker is involved in the game, then the combination "5, four of a kind and a joker" is considered the highest and even interrupts the Royal Flush.
Benefits of Online Poker
The most convenient thing in an online game is the ability to use poker programs that help analyze the game and even keep statistics. Experienced real-life poker players use this method to adapt to unfamiliar conditions. A feature such as a countdown clock, which is found in almost all online game developments, also helps. If the session is conducted with real partners via the Internet, such a watch will discipline the participants. When no move is made within the measured period of time, the cards of such a player are discarded. This saves time for other participants. Even during an online game session, it is important to ensure a good connection so as not to be thrown out of the Internet at the most inopportune moment.
The second valuable plus of online games is that you can play at several tables at once, for experienced players it's just heaven. They take as many tables as they can really pull, although some sites still limit this number.
Tips from experienced players
Join, leave, bet or wait? - this question is often asked by newbies. If you enter immediately, then this is a big blind. Therefore, in order not to waste too much, it is better to wait until the big blind comes to your place.
Then it will be easier to start the circle of the game from the beginning.
The second tip is not to gamble for money that is not available, even in an online game, you can easily run into trouble. This is only allowed when playing with a computer, without real participants. The third tip is patience and self-control. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the most impenetrable faces belong to those who are experts in poker.
Play or not? - everyone's personal business, but mastering an unfamiliar game is always interesting for an inquisitive person. The main thing is not to get carried away and not get involved in fighting on several tables at once after a couple of successful games with the computer.