R.B.I. Baseball 20

Baseball is a famous American game, according to the latest data, more than 11 million citizens of the country are addicted to it. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Baseball series has gained great popularity; recently MLB has developed a new release for the PC platform - R.B.I. Baseball 20 ", with improved graphics and gameplay.
Features of the game “R.B.I. Baseball 20 "
Developers call "R.B.I. Baseball 20 "the annual continuation of the sports series, with a new release, gamers received cool graphics, updated athlete rosters and modes, more convenient controls and a camera. Plus - the accompanying gaming capabilities. But if in America everyone knows the rules of the game from childhood, then domestic gamers, before taking on a new product, should familiarize themselves with the essence of the process.
So, briefly about the rules. Up to 9 people participate, there are 2 teams: attacking and defending. For those who attack, the athlete with the bat starts the game in the "house", and if he manages to slip into the base, then the partner intercepts the bat. If it turns out to hit the ball successfully, then the baseball player manages to run around several bases and return to the "home", and the team gets 1 point. In fact, there are two main players: the pitcher is the thrower, and the batter is the batter. The better a pitcher is at shooting, the sooner his defending team can attack. And the batter hits, then leaves the bat and rushes to the 1st base, where he already becomes a runner - a runner. The role of the batter is intercepted by his partner, while the first number is trying to rush around the bases at this time. There must also be a catcher behind the batter who catches the ball thrown by the pitcher. But only if the opponents did not hit the ball.
A total of 9 periods are spent - innings, in each of them the team attacks and defends 1 time. If it's a tie, add another inning until the winner is revealed.
How should you throw the ball?
The pitcher must throw the ball into the strike zone, this is a special rectangle that is above the batter's knees, but below the chest. The term "strike" means a successful throw. If the ball enters the strike zone or outside of it, and the batter misses, the referee calls the strike. Experienced baseball players use this tricky trick: they throw the ball twice with all their might, and then a little weaker, so that the batter swings the bat earlier than necessary.
It is considered successful to send the ball beyond the far semicircle, this is called a "home run". Then the batter gets a head start to run through the bases without haste, and the team gets a point. When the athletes of the defending team intercept the ball, preventing it from hitting the ground, even behind the distant semicircle, the batter is sent to the bench, and his teammates move to their former bases.
Gameplay and surprises "R.B.I. Baseball 20 "
Now we can talk about a virtual game, the rules are the same as in real baseball. The developers have added a new control, now it is possible to select the types of feeds, depending on the data of the server. It is allowed to strengthen to kick the ball over the fence or play in contact and simplified control.
We've also added the perspective of the server - a new camera, like in broadcasts, allows you to see the serve itself differently.
Well, the developers sketched out all sorts of different things, but in general, these changes make the game livelier. For example, the player models have been improved, now you can distinguish the features of hairstyles, traces of dirt and grass from falling on clothes. Plus - improved theft, ball removal and physics, cool stadiums, cutscene animations and camera angles, the reaction of fans.
We've also kept our favorite modes:
- Franchise;
- Exhibition;
- Home Run Derby.
By the way, you can play for any of the great baseball players or teams, the list of players and statistics is updated.
What should you pay attention to?
Of course, this game arouses more curiosity among Russians than a desire to play, since you need to delve into the rules. And this takes too much time. But for general development - why not? And there you can get to the game in real life. In "R.B.I. Baseball 20 ", with a certain effort, it is quite possible to assemble your own cool team and break into MLB legends.
Speaking of legends. It is allowed to choose any of the 32 teams with updated rosters. The game itself is interesting, fast, local multiplayer, controller. You can arrange joint matches either for several people and even for one player.
Pros of "R.B.I. Baseball 20 "
Gamers note a good pumping system; for an arcade game, the ability to hold the ball has become a feature in order to increase the speed until the moment it starts. The new systems of running, getting bases and jumping to catch the ball are also great. The performance and behavior of the players are based on the performance of real athletes. Plus a cool soundtrack with 20 performers, which also sets a certain mood.
So it is very interesting to try your talents in baseball, even if it is virtual, many call this game a version of Russian rounders. And not unreasonably, they have a lot in common. Unfortunately, in the homeland rounders have lost their popularity, but baseball in America is not. And the peculiarities of this national game are worth learning, “R.B.I. Baseball 20 "will be a good helper in this process.