Revelation Online

In China, for some unknown reason, there are quite a few successful writers in the fantasy or science fiction genre. But if any work nevertheless becomes a bestseller, it literally “thunders all over the world”. You don't have to look far for examples - Liu Qixin changed modern science fiction with his trilogy "Memory of the Earth's Past", and his novel "Wandering Earth" was filmed in his homeland, and then distributed in all countries by Netflix.
And Jiang Nan's fantasy works formed the basis of the plot and mythology of MMORPG Revelation Online. And in terms of its elaboration, this "literary component" is quite capable of plugging many other cult sagas into the belt.
Shaky alliances in the face of a common enemy never grow strong
The story of the world of Revelation Online begins with a story about the Guardian Gods. Once these powerful creatures actively fought with each other for power over the world, but these feuds led to the release of Darkness.
The darkness turned out to be so powerful that the Guardians had to unite. Moreover, they even fought shoulder to shoulder with mortals. And in the end, through joint efforts, they managed to create the Red Dragon - an invincible creature, a product of biotechnology, engineering and magic, which dealt with that very Darkness.
As a result, a shaky peace was established on the planet. It remains only to finish off the remaining creatures of Darkness, and you can do what you love - strife, civil strife and other bloodshed. And there - our song is good, start over.
A powerful hero comes under the control of the player, who sets off on a journey across the vast world. Here he will meet not only the creatures of Darkness, but also much more interesting creatures. For example, the developers are especially proud of three of the races presented:
- Falmari. Spawn of the sea god, humanoid amphibians. Half of their life is spent in water, so they practically do not occur in the interior of the continent. But you can admire them on the shore of the nearest sea - or go to the east of the continent to the city of Sulan, which is the capital of the Falmari people;
- Mushroom people. You can only meet these humanoid fly agarics by chance. They are quite rare, they rarely get out of the home world. It won't be easy to visit them either. The city called Gribnitsa is hidden behind high rocks and impenetrable forests;
- Bears. Something like gnomes, these stocky and intelligent mammals are the best traders in Revelation Online. They look like formidable wars, but in fact they are very good-natured couch potatoes who adore fairs and therefore are very successful in the art of buying and selling.
The world of Revelation Online captivates with its wealth and variety. It is pleasant to just travel on it - especially since the map is seamless and available for endless flights. Each region has a couple of interesting PvE quests that can be completed both alone and as part of a group. There is also PvP, but mostly in special arenas.
Character Classes in Revelation Online
Since Revelation Online is primarily an MMORPG, each character in it has a specialization (or "class"). A total of 7 possible "professions" are available, differing in capabilities, strengths and weaknesses:
- Sentinel. Focused on close combat and may well become a full-fledged "tank", as he knows how to raise a huge shield and thus avoid receiving damage. True, at this time he is not capable of attacking;
- Knight. Also melee oriented, the exact opposite of the Guardian. Weakly armored, does not carry a shield with him, but he holds a weapon in both hands. He knows how to attack as quickly as possible, inflicting a lot of damage on the enemy;
- Shooter. The world of Revelation Online is a fusion of fantasy and steampunk. So do not be surprised to see a rifle in the hands of this character. In addition, the Shooter is able to assemble mechanical turrets;
- Mage. Like the Shooter, focused on ranged combat. Only he wields not "guns", but magic - ice, fiery and electric. The first can paralyze opponents, the second deals targeted damage to them, and the third deals damage in an area;
- Druid. Typical healer. True, it can also be a damage dealer due to the use of attack techniques;
- Reaper. Almost like a Druid - he can heal a group and inflict damage to enemies, but not at the same time;
- Assassin. Also focused on melee, but mostly on mass attacks.
It is clear that Revelation Online is focused on cooperative gameplay.
Revelation Online PvP Battles
PvP is also there, where without it. Battles take place in separate arenas or as part of massive clan or cross-server attacks.
And there are also special locations with the "royal battle" mode, that is, "all against all".