
You are trying to quickly build defenses to stop the attacking raiders, while a random hare goes crazy and chews off your colonist's leg. This is a typical scenario you will see when trying to keep your settlers alive and happy in Rimworld.
Getting Started at RimWorld
RimWorld is a game about managing a colony of people on another planet. In the beginning, you choose the AI storyteller. For beginners, Phoebe the Tough is a good choice, giving the player plenty of time to build and recover between attacks. More experienced players will find Cassandra Classic and Randy Random. Cassandra creates events that are easy at the start, but with increasing difficulty. Randy makes the game completely random: he can send 3 attacks in a row at you. Or it can allow you to live a long time without attacks, and you will not have loot from enemies to fend off more serious attacks.
Also, as a separate option, the player can choose the "hardcore" mode. It does not allow saving and loading at any time, so it will not be possible to return to the previous day before making a mistake. The developers strongly recommend playing in this mode for a full immersion. After all, initially Rimworld was developed without the ability to disable it. Rimworld is not about creating an ideal colony, it's about creating a drama.
Next, the game world is generated, where your first colonists will appear. The player needs to choose the area where they will spawn. Each cell has parameters such as the average annual temperature, the period of plant growth, types of rocks, and so on. But the most important thing is the climatic zone - you will greatly complicate the game if you start the game in swamps, impassable due to the abundance of trees and slowing down the movement of the soil. It is almost impossible to survive in the biome of Antarctica.
Colonists at RimWorld
Your colonists are the main engine of the game. After creating the world, you need to choose a team of people (or one person, if you want more complicated), who will be generated with their own traits and backstories. Some of them are useful, like shooting or training, and some are only needed to introduce humanity - flaws and all that. Old wounds, traumatic past, bad habits ... special qualities so that your colonist is not the perfect Maya bee.
Each colonist has different needs and stress levels. Send your scientist homebody to collect berries all over the map, and you can bring him to a nervous breakdown. However, his mood can improve if you make sure he has a tasty meal and has a nicely decorated bed for a wild boar in his room.
Difficulties of colonization
The concept of Rimworld is pretty simple. Your new colony starts with few resources. Some food, shitty weapons, and a handful of building materials. And that's all. What Rimworld lacks is danger. Wildlife attacks, disease, hunger, cold, sunstroke ... and these are only natural causes. Groups of raiders and mechanoids regularly knock on your door, and not to shoot cigarettes.
Some natural phenomena, such as the fallout of poisonous precipitation or nuclear winter, can be lethal for the colony. But you can learn to cope with them. Raids, however, intensify with the growth of the colony, or rather, with the growth of its wealth. Soon, the early skirmishes between bandits and colonists, which could screw up your passage, will feel like a walk in the park, with the colonists walking around in full gear and armed to the teeth.
Rimworld gives the feeling that these dangers can be dealt with. You just need to understand how. Usually creative solutions are needed when a few things go wrong. Imagine a scenario: the heat threatens to spoil your food in the refrigerator. You open a hole in the wall to put in another air conditioner. The temperature in the room rises to +45. And then you realize that you don't even have enough parts for a cooler. Lesson: Always have a fallback plan for a fallback plan. Especially when it comes to food.
And such surprises happen all the time. The event happens completely by chance, but sometimes it seems that the game has a sixth sense when to throw a pod on the player. For example, a colonist breaks down and burns a whole poly potato for you. It could have been easily stopped, but right now your colony is in the midst of an intense battle.
The variability in events is significant and understanding how to deal with each species is the bread and butter of Rimworld. However, dealing with the elements that support your goal of creating a safe haven for colonists is a lot of fun. Building a base includes choosing planting sites and warehouses, erecting walls and regulating the temperature behind them, and even providing entertainment - happy colonists do not burn potatoes.