Stream Raiders

Stream Raiders is a free roguelike game that turns Twitch viewers into full-fledged players. Every five minutes, users, led by a streamer who plays as the captain, can place their characters to poison themselves in a PvE raid in the dungeon. Usually, raids have a half-hour period for selecting units, after which the battle itself takes place, usually taking from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on how many people are participating.
During posting, viewers can see which characters users have chosen and where they have been placed. As soon as the captain starts the raid, you will see the battle unfold on the screen.
What does the captain do in Stream Raiders?
The streamer acts as the captain. He chooses the location of the raid on the interactive map and starts the battle after the half-hour timer expires. Also, the captain has a very important task - he collects and distributes loot. The number of people who will receive the items depends on how many spectators participated in the raid. However, the distribution of awards can be made automatic, in which case the system will select random participants.
What awards are there?
By participating in raids, you fight for:
- Gold - can be spent on buying scrolls and raising the level of your heroes in combination with scrolls.
- Potions - for every 30 collected elixirs, you can place an epic unit on the battlefield. This character will have the power of a real mini-boss. Although you can only use this ability once per raid, it will greatly affect the outcome of the battle. Don't worry, there are many ways to get potions in the game - placing units, defeating enemies and helping in battle. Getting them is pretty straightforward. But be careful: you cannot pick up more than 30 potions. Therefore, do not be greedy - you have filled in the scale, and you can immediately use it to start picking up new flasks.
- Scrolls - used to raise the level of units in combination with gold.
What units are there in Stream Raiders?
In total, you can choose from 16 units in the game, divided into 4 categories. Although units have a cooldown to participate in combat, depending on their rarity, you can use them in any combination. Each player can participate in a maximum of three battles with three different captains at the same time. But, when you buy a Battle Pass during special events, you get access to an additional raid slot.
Normal units with a 10 minute cooldown between uses:
- Archer - a unit that deals damage at a distance;
- Flag Bearer - a support unit that increases the damage of nearby allies;
- Rogue is a melee fighter with high damage and low health;
- Tank - armored unit with high defense and low attack;
- Warrior is a melee unit with average defense and attack.
Unusual units with a 30 minute cooldown between uses:
- Barbarian - melee unit that deals damage in the area;
- Bomber - a unit with a short attack range, throwing explosives that deal damage in the area;
- Buster is a fast, high damage unit that runs into a crowd of enemies and explodes;
- Healer - a support that heals nearby allies.
Rare units with a sixty minute cooldown between uses:
- Berserker - a wild fighter that strengthens nearby melee units;
- Centurion - armored unit that increases the defense of nearby tanks;
- Flying Rogue - a flying assassin who will attack enemy supports;
- Musketeer is a ranged fighter that empowers nearby archers;
- Warrior Monk is a combat support that fights and heals nearby allies.
Legendary units with 4 hour cooldown between uses:
- Orc Slayer - legendary armored unit with damage over the area, dealing double damage to Orcs;
- Templar is a legendary support unit that increases damage to nearby allies and deals double damage to undead.
The cooldown on legendary units may seem unreasonably large, but it was made so for the sake of balance. By applying a potion on such a character, you can easily begin to dominate the battlefield and turn the tide of the battle.
Having pumped your unit to level twenty, you can choose a specialization for it. They give the heroes three different and unique development paths. But be careful: choosing one of the specializations, you cannot change it, so choose wisely. Let's consider the branches of development using the example of an archer:
- Deadeye Archer - Deals an additional 10% damage to ranged units;
- Longshot Acrher - gets an additional +1 to attack range;
- Pinning Archer - Slows his targets by 10%.
Honestly, it is quite difficult to pump a hero to level 30, but there are legends that upon reaching it, a unit will be able to summon its copy in battle or choose another ability.