
Terraria is a large indie sandbox game that sprang up in the wake of Minecraft's popularity. Pixel art, a free world and the need to entertain yourself on your own clearly hint at what product inspired this game. Nevertheless, Terraria was able to make a splash, taking a leading position in its niche without advertising budgets and the support of well-known publications.

Game world

Terraria catches first of all with its endless possibilities. A unique world is generated for the player, which he will have to study "from" and "to". There is no clear storyline (only small quests), no timeline or gameplay framework. The player can do whatever he pleases within the framework of the mechanics introduced by the developers.

There are aggressive mobs in the world of Terraria, and collisions with them are inevitable, but the player does not need to focus on this. Medium gear will help you feel safe, while prudence and no night walks will keep you from falling into the trap. The atmosphere is complemented by a beautiful soundtrack and pleasant playful details. Day and night smoothly replace each other, the animation is simple, but pleasant to the eye. The game uses contrasting, moderately bright colors.

Optimization of the project is also encouraging. Terraria is a game that is available to almost all gamers. The lack of a fancy visual engine significantly reduces the load on the PC.

Indie visual

Terraria is a pixel-based game, and that only embellishes it. Pixel art style adds zest, makes it different from others. The developers did not chase the newfangled 3D and, having really estimated their budgets, found an alternative that became a trick. Despite this method of transferring images, the picture in the game is clear and detailed. The player can examine each step on the stairs, study in detail the appearance of the NPC and take a long look at the decor elements.


The world of Terraria opens with a character creation menu. Despite the fact that the game has RPG elements, you can only customize your hero externally. The starting indicators of all, without exception, are always the same.

The protagonist appears on a randomly generated map - in an open field. There are always several trees next to it for a convenient start, but otherwise everything depends on the player's luck. You may come across a convenient map, or you may have to fight nature from the very first seconds.

At the start, the game provides the user with a minimum set of tools: a pickaxe and an ax. With their help, you need to build yourself a house and collect the minimum set of necessary resources. The most popular of them are stone and wood, the rest will have to be mined, processed and processed as the game develops and gets to know the world.

Despite the fact that there are no quests in the game, the gameplay is designed so that the player constantly has something to do. House built? It's time to decorate it! But not everything can be done with bare hands, you need to build a workbench. Have a workbench? And there is a lot of interesting and unusual things in it - of course, I want to try everything! This is how Terraria engages and draws the player for hours into its simple but fascinating world.

Game Features

Terraria has two game modes - single player and co-op. Playing alone, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the world, pay attention to its details. In a cooperative, players develop separately or together, in a common house and with a single warehouse of resources.

Terraria has several distinctive gameplay features:

  • Not only the protagonist lives in the world, but also other NPCs that can be settled in your house. Healers, merchants and other helpful guys are always ready to help for a reasonable fee.
  • You may or may not be digging. For organic development, the character does not need to become the hero of the caves. All basic resources are shallow.
  • The battles have not been canceled. The game has elements of action RPG, battles with monsters and bosses. Fighting in the game is simple, for the most part, the outcome of the battle depends on ammunition and training, and not on the skills of the player himself.

Interesting features

Terraria would not have made it into the TOP 5 best-selling games if it hadn't been able to surprise the players with something. The project has great potential and many interesting features:

  • Events are regularly held in the game. During such events, the player can fight with special monsters or get special resources. They are available in both single player mode and co-op.
  • The fast pace of the game does not let you get bored. Characters quickly dig, chop, and extract resources. Battles with mobs also do not drag out.
  • A huge number of crafting recipes for both functional items and decorative elements. Thanks to this, you can build your own, unique line of passage.

Terraria does not build any framework for users, it is for this quality that it is so popular with those who like to spend an hour or two playing an interesting game in order to escape from everyday worries.

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