The Cursed Forest

Do not walk, children, in the damned forest. I just want to say this phrase during the passage of The Cursed Forest, despite the fact that the hero is a mature man. And the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Hansel and Gretel" also comes to mind, because there also appears a dark scary forest, the road from which is full of dangers. And willy-nilly, I remember the horror story "The Blair Witch", filmed on an amateur camera.
The creator of the original version, Andrei Sukhachevsky, apparently was inspired by fabulous materials, as a result of which the quest The Cursed Forest was released in 2014, and in 2019 its remake, which was appreciated by fans of the horror genre.
The main character is informed that his mother is in the hospital. Worried about her condition, he gets behind the wheel of a car in the late evening and drives to the hospital. Wanting to shorten the path, the hero decides to go by the shortest road - through the forest, which becomes the reason for subsequent adventures.
It all starts with a sinister figure with glowing eyes blocking the road, and with a teddy bear, which will play an important role.
As a result, an accident occurs, due to which the man loses control first, and then consciousness. He comes to himself already on the road, in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night. The hero will have to make every effort to find a way out of the forest labyrinth. Dangers and adventures will await him ahead. And also the secret of the past will hover around, which willy-nilly will have to be revealed in order to understand: the hero was not in the forest by chance.
The Cursed Forest Atmosphere & Music
The game, despite its simplicity, is incredibly beautiful. The atmosphere that makes you breathe every other time with excitement is filled with fogs, anxiety and mystery. The inhabitants of the forest, as well as the music playing on the nerve endings, create tension and fear. It is she who makes you nostalgic for another toy that blew up the world of gambling addiction in 2005. This is an interactive game Fahrenheit, where players literally prayed that the main character would survive.
It should be noted that The Cursed Forest takes place during the Soviet era, which cannot but please the fans of that era. "Java", driven by the main character, a black rotary dial telephone, a portrait of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in one of the Siberian huts with a Russian stove. It should be noted that the creators lovingly pored over every little thing so that it reflects the spirit of that time as clearly as possible.
Five parts of the quest, each of which has new locations, tasks, adventures and attempts to lead the main character not to death, but to his beloved mother. Yes, in some cases the character's life will hang in the balance from death, and sometimes it will tragically end.
The toy is not just a horror-adventure, but a full-fledged first-person quest with an interesting plot that gradually unfolds, keeping the intrigue for four hours. This is exactly how much it takes to complete.
The main character is absolutely not constrained in his movements. Moreover, we can see his legs, traces that he leaves, elements of clothing. And the character behaves like a living person, absolutely not constrained in movements.
The Cursed Forest Graphics
The graphics deserve special admiration, especially the naturally drawn nature. Flying birds, swaying treetops, leaves, grass, dirt road - I don't want to believe that all this is drawn. One gets the feeling that this is a film with the participation of one actor. Even the abrasions on the hero's leg left after the accident look natural.
Yes and Something is the main screamer of the quest, it looks not like something separate, but a completely natural addition to the eerie atmosphere that persists throughout the gameplay.
It is also worth mentioning the notes - the pieces of the main puzzle that the hero should collect in order to learn the history of the cursed forest. Each one is unique, with a changing handwriting. Another legendary quest, Siberia, involuntarily comes to mind, where diaries, manuscripts and notes clearly lacked individuality, despite the exciting content. The creators of The Cursed Forest have taken care of that too.
Horror or humor?
The game has established itself as a horror-style adventure quest. This is facilitated by the atmosphere around which there is a sticky horror, gloomy, in the style of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, landscapes, lonely kerosene lamps leading to another riddle, mysterious inhabitants, ominous cries of flying crows and, of course, the frightening Something with a teddy bear in a gnarled hand. Clubfoot, by the way, inspires equally strong terror at certain moments.
But throughout the game, the character will find himself in funny situations where fear will look more like trolling than a screamer. So the constant nervousness and tension is greatly diluted with humor.