The Forest

The main character wakes up after a plane crash on a desert island. Around only forests and deserted beaches. Fortunately, an ax and some other useful items were found in the wreckage of the plane, so it may be possible to wait for a rescue operation.

There are only two unpleasant "buts". First, the son of the protagonist has been kidnapped. Where it is located is not clear, since it was not found among the wreckage of the aircraft. So you need to climb the island and still try to find it.

Secondly, the whole forest around is somehow suspiciously noisy.

In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble ...

It quickly turns out that the island on which the plane with the main character fell is not as uninhabited as it seems. Unpleasant natives-cannibals live here, who seek to feast on the character. They look quite creepy and behave aggressively.

Therefore, the hero needs to at least build some kind of shelter for himself. Then you can build observation towers, craft dynamite, and get other useful things. And don't forget to find your son.

At the same time, the cannibals themselves are by no means mindless zombies. They are an indigenous tribe that lives its normal life. The main character for them is an alien and at the same time a source of easily digestible protein. On the other hand, to protect yourself, you can periodically make raids on their resting places and slaughter cannibals by whole tribes.

However, the range of opponents is not limited to cannibals alone (by the way, very diverse). After a while - usually 2-3 weeks in-game - the main character encounters monsters. And then the real horror begins. Monsters look like the product of inhuman experiments on humans: multi-armed, multi-legged, often devoid of eyes or any other important body parts, they evoke an unpleasant mixture of disgust, anger and fear.

And all this is set against the background of a rather beautiful forest. It can be seen that the developers put their heart and soul into the design of trees and grass, it all looks almost photorealistic. Of course, when it comes to physics, all this naturalism disappears somewhere, but visually the forest looks incredibly impressive and impressive.

How to generally play The Forest

It is worth starting with the fact that The Forest is a survival horror, the authors of which do not hesitate to say in interviews that they were inspired by Minecraft. Therefore, the gameplay is divided into two parts - survival and fighting monsters.

Survival, in turn, consists of crafting more than entirely. The hero will have to cut down trees, then make a house for himself from the wood obtained, build traps, fortifications, create different things for himself, and so on. Crafting here is quite pleasant and not too furious. And the built things even look very realistic and beautiful. This further stimulates the construction of various traps and observation towers - just to admire the results of your labor a little.

Battles with monsters are quite interesting. Partly for this it is worth to thank the developers themselves, who made the opponents diverse. There are several types of cannibals on the island, not to mention others, much less pleasant creatures.

Monsters and enemies from The Forest

The developers admit that they were inspired by two films - "Cannibal Hell" and "Descent". Therefore, most opponents are humanoid creatures that mutated to their state due to a long stay in self-isolation. Monsters include:

  • Cannibals. Move in groups (tribes) of several creatures, led by a leader. They differ in color and features. Some people handle fire easily and can throw balls on fire;
  • Rusty. A mutant with a lot of upper limbs. Deals serious damage to buildings made by the player. Extremely dangerous in close combat;
  • Virginia. A mutant with an increased number of lower limbs. Extremely fast, moves not only by running, but also by long jumps. It can give birth to small "babies" that inflict very serious damage in melee, but at the same time die from the first hit;
  • Fat. A mutant with a huge body weight. Despite its impressive size, it is also extremely fast. Favorite type of attack - ramming, it accelerates and hits the player or his buildings;
  • Worm. A flock of small mutants, each of which looks like a larva. Alone, they are extremely vulnerable and practically not dangerous. But they can unite and turn into a larger creature - either a "tripod", very fast and capable of moving great distances in a few steps, or a "bird" that can fly and dive from the air when attacking.

There is one more mutant in the game. However, talking about it is revealing important spoilers for the plot. So it's worth trying to find it yourself.

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