The Last of Us

Adventure thrillers about a zombie apocalypse somehow blurred the danger of this version of the end of the world. It seems that if you have enough shotgun cartridges and canned tomato soup with beans at home, then no living dead are scary. Live in peace, eat dinners from cans and shoot any zombies who decide to get close to your bunker.
The Last of Us reveals the other side of the zombie apocalypse. This is a heartwarming story about people, their simple needs and serious problems, and how the decisions of each individual person can change the whole world around. There is no feigned bravura here, and the heroes are unprepared paranoid with shotguns and stocks of canned soup. The Last of Us is a story about people, some of us, and perhaps the last.
There is only one danger that threatens all of humanity
Since the 2010s, the world's leading scientists and intellectuals have warned that there is only one type of cataclysm on planet Earth that can threaten all of humanity at once: epidemics and pandemics. Even Bill Gates at one time gave a whole lecture about the possible threat of the virus.
So, mid-2010s. The world is enveloped in a pandemic of cordyceps - the simplest fungus that mutated and learned to exist in symbiosis with humans. It enters the body, where it is fixed in cells and tissues. After that, the person turns into an infected - something like a zombie, only with a significant mutation of organs and body parts.
To prevent the complete destruction of humanity, the military has organized several quarantine zones on the territory of the United States. The last survivors live in them. Among them is the main character of the game, Joel Miller. He is a smuggler on the outskirts of the Boston quarantine zone. At some point, Joel meets with "Cicadas" - a terrorist organization that encourages people not to obey the military and tries to find a cure for cordyceps on their own.
The Cicad representative offers Joel to transport the girl Ellie through the military cordon. As it turns out, she has immunity to cordyceps. But Joel and Ellie do not get to their destination - and from this moment the two characters begin their journey through post-apocalyptic America, embraced by a pandemic.
How to generally play The Last of Us
Despite the post-apocalyptic zombie setting, The Last of Us is a story-driven game. The bulk of the gameplay takes place in the genre of action-adventure games, sometimes elements of survival horror and stealth are added. That is, there is no brave shooting of the infected here. Every enemy, be it a zombie, a monster or a person from a rival faction, is a pretty strong enemy, and the supply of ammo and first-aid kits is extremely limited.
Therefore, when faced with another enemy, you definitely should not take your weapon at the ready. You need to try to find options to avoid the fight or do everything to make it the least bloody for the main characters. And one of the key protagonists is also a little girl.
By the way, you will have to play for it in one of the chapters. This plot section shows the maximum danger of a pandemic or cataclysm. The main character in it is dying, and for salvation he needs ... penicillin. The simplest, most common antibiotic that can be found in any pharmacies turns into a true value in the post-apocalyptic world.
Most arenas are set up in such a way that avoiding fights is the most profitable option. Better to sneak unnoticed, hiding behind furniture, heaps of debris or bushes. Enemies are dangerous, strong, and the number of cartridges is limited.
Multiplayer in The Last of Us
In The Last of Us - by the way, this title was translated into Russian as "The Last of Us" - there are three multiplayer modes. However, they are optional.
In multiplayer mode, you have to play as one of the members of the "Cicadas" or "Hunters". There are three gameplay options available:
- Raid. Players are divided into teams of 4. The round ends when the number of victims on each side is equal (that is, the score is zero);
- Survival. The gameplay is similar to Raid, however, characters do not respawn after death. So the task of each team is to win an unconditional victory over the enemy;
- "Interrogation". The round lasts 15 minutes. Members of each team find opponents and interrogate them in order to find out where the safe is. The side that manages to open the vault first will be the winner.
In addition, additional tasks appear in the multiplayer mode, but they are rather “not inventive” like “Kill 10 opponents”. Therefore, The Last of Us is interesting primarily for its plot, and multiplayer has been added for show.