
Warface is a massively multiplayer first-person combat shooter (MMOFPS). This project was developed by the Ukrainian branch of the German company Crytek in 2012. In the Russian Federation, the publishing rights were acquired by Mail.ru Group. The game is available on consoles, PCs, mobiles and even Nintendo Switch.
Warface has a very attractive picture. At first glance, there is nothing special about it, but the general graphic solutions are quite interesting. The color palette is realistic, there are no too bright tones. The environment does not distract from what is happening, but only complements the overall atmosphere and imperceptibly involves in the game.
There are also some "buts" in the visual, for example, low destructibility. For an action shooter, such oversights can be fatal. In addition, there are certain nuances in animation. If the combat processes are superbly worked out, the unique movements of the characters during teamwork generally deserve the highest marks, then everything else is pretty weak. The vegetation does not move, the surrounding world seems to be frozen, it loses its realism.
Warface gameplay attracts with its variety. The game has PvP and PvE modes. In a single player game, the user has the opportunity to kill mobs in order to gain experience at one of the difficulty levels (from training to pro). Quests in PvE are not static, they are updated daily.
There are many different game modes in the PvP module:
- Blitz. Deactivate bombs on the map in 90 seconds.
- Survival. No team fights, everyone fights for their lives.
- Domination. You need to capture the position and hold it as long as possible.
- Capture the flag.
- Team battle.
- Meat grinder. The mode is similar to survival, but the map is several times smaller, and 16 characters land on it at once.
- Undermining. Teams must mine and neutralize objects, depending on the assigned role.
- Assault. One team defends a strongpoint, and the other must capture it.
- Destruction. Destroy the center point and call an air strike.
- Battle Royale.
The gameplay is based on a huge filing cabinet of the game area. Players have more than 60 cards at their disposal for different modes. Also, more than 15 different special operations, thematic and permanent, are built into the gameplay.
Warface cannot boast of a detailed plot, so the classes have to be chosen solely based on the player's personal preferences. But they will not change the course of history. In total, the project introduced five game classes:
- Stormtrooper. Universal action movie. Works best at medium ranges or in melee combat. Uses assault rifles, machine guns. Feature: they can replenish their teammates' ammo supplies, as well as their own ammunition.
- Sniper. Best long-range fighter. Provides cover. Fights with various types of sniper rifles. Feature: Places roundabout mines.
- SED. Robot in heavy armor. Suppression unit. Uses heavy weapons, grenade launchers. He has low health and high defense. Feature: can climb tall objects.
- Medic. Heals allies, uses shotguns as a combat weapon. Feature: can resurrect (reanimate) fighters from his team.
- Engineer. Places bombs and other explosive devices. Effective in both defense and attack. Uses short assault rifles and submachine guns in battle. Feature: can repair armor and reanimate SEDs.
Who are we fighting for?
There are two warring forces in Warface, around which the confrontation is built. The good news is that none of them can be called "good" or "bad." They are both corporations of mercenary soldiers, with their own goals, morals and principles:
- Blackwood. Trafficking in arms illegally. They also contribute to the spread of corruption throughout the world. They do not hesitate to kill civilians. Experiments are carried out on inanimate living things - Cyborgs.
- Warface. A company that is trying to stop the enemy's activities and interfere with their research. They operate all over the world. They want to establish a new order, gain control over the resources of the planet and become the head of the political elite.
Interesting features
Warface attracts not only with its gameplay variety, but also with several nice features:
- This is a truly team game. The player interaction system is unique. Characters help each other get over obstacles, provide support in battle, and can act as a bodyguard.
- The game is free. It has a built-in in-game store that has both visual and actual character enhancements.
- Huge variety of combat interactions. You can fight in the air, on land and at sea. There are tons of vehicles to choose from.
Warface is a good shooter with no unnecessary pretensions. Ideal for those who want to have fun with friends and shoot virtual weapons!