Name: Kevin Age: 31 i like frog's, NO I DON'T EAT THEM 😢 Started Streaming: Jan 8th 2016 FPS, Platformer, Difficult Single player games. Competitive gamer, Tech Geek, Stream Team Manager of System Kings
Gaming has always been a big part of my life, it helped me in allot of shitty situations when i was younger and tbh i think it still helps me I played different games. They helped me learn to solve complex puzzles, have someone to connect with and talk to through the game's chat, and created a community that allowed me to be myself. Of course like with every community there were bullies, predators, and all around terrible people. But you can find them, block them and keep going.
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Kikker registered on Stream Booster over 6 years ago. Was online over a year ago.
It would be an honor you can host me or raid welcome too. Thanks and keep going