hello im kid style i been self p[producing myself for 10 months the last 2 i been in protools i over 8 to 15 hours a day on twitch bandlab and youtube recording music making beats mixing songs helping people out giving away free stuff like daws and stuff mainly on bandlab im 28 years old and been a single father for the last 9 years he never met his mother so its just me and him im making a name for myself when it comes to music i got some bit name projects in my ProTools as we speak that will Suprise your will say i am advanced at what i do muskily wise for only been using it for 9 months i struggled my hole life and still dont have shit but my dedication to not just recording and making music but edited videos making cover art ideas for music videos and way way more im a all in one guy you been looking for trust me all it takes is one chance and lifes could change i would push me aside for im destine to do great things so either fwm or dont
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