Hello everyone, my name is Tulio, I'm 32 years old and I'm a beginner streamer. I have been streaming since 07/20/2022. I have a good sense of humor, I play games at an average level, I like to watch funny videos and I can provide psychological support. In the past, a former Powerliftingand tennis player and music artist. Since I really like this topic and I get pleasure from it. In the streams, I decided to achieve not popularity, but a good union of good people on my stream and show that this is really possible. I also decided to test myself and show everyone that you can become a streamer not only if you are a child from a rich family, but also if you are a simple guy from ordinary mortal people, and for this I decided to arrange a SHOW on my channel: ,, The road to popularity on Twitch for 1 year,, The essence of the show, I think, is clear from the name))) If you are interested in how it all will develop and take place, then fly to my stream and press the button of falls, I will be glad to see you on my channel! Also, if you want to become a part of my channel, fly to the stream and ask how to do it, I'll tell you everything!
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