Pokémon Ultra Sun slash Ultra Moon

Not so long ago, Nintendo pleased gamers with the game "Pokemon Sun & Moon", then the opportunity to "steer" pocket monsters aroused considerable interest among connoisseurs of such entertainment. Initially, the main idea of the game was to unite people who were supposed to catch all the Pokémon, receiving the title of the best master for their efforts. These moments have been preserved in the new game - "Pokémon Ultra Sun slash Ultra Moon", but the developers have gone to great lengths and added many more interesting innovations.
New Pokemon Story
Supporters of the game will once again plunge into the mild, sunny climate of Alola, whose islands are very similar to Hawaii, and will be able to start the difficult path to the title of Pokemon master. But there is a difference with the previous game! First, a new story has been created for the legendary monster Necrozma, who wants to steal light from one of the islands. Secondly, the Ultra-Explorers team will now play an important role, and they will be exploring another dimension. There are new features, they still have to get to, but the result is worth it. True, the developers delayed the introduction a little bit, but then the promotion starts very dynamic.
New game and new features
The changes are worth mentioning separately. The first nice bonus is that when you catch a new Pokemon, you can immediately add the prisoner to the team, now there is no need to run to the nearest Pokemon center. Travel between the islands is in a playful way, it is enough to jump on the back of Maintain, perform tricks and you can already compete for a high rating.
Other valuable changes:
- Stickers posted all over the game world will help participants to find special totem Pokémon that differ from their counterparts.
- Pokedex - the device that Pokémon Rot possessed - now begins to periodically ask the player's opinion in a given situation. On the one hand, this arrangement is quite amusing, since the character does not remain only in the role of an interactive map. On the other hand, it can be annoying when it crawls under the arm with or without it. But that's a matter of taste.
- You can rush to research Ultra Wormholes, there are many interesting things in another dimension. And to defeat monsters in this part of the world will help the Pokémon Solgaleo or Lunala - depending on your choice.
- Pokémon get new abilities: Dusk Mane - "Twilight Mane" and Dawn Wings - "Dawn Wings". But! Only after Necrozma begins to control Solgaleo or Lunala.
Features of Pokémon Ultra Sun slash Ultra Moon
Traveling in Ultra Wormholes is interesting, but technically not very convenient for those who prefer to play on the road. Because instead of the usual buttons, the developers decided to impute the obligatory control of the gyroscope to the participants. This point should also be taken into account when playing through the game.
And about the local menagerie. Now a character can catch more than 400 Pokémon in one game! And it's even easier to become the owner of legendary characters, even from past generations, who inhabit the Ultra Wormholes. In this list you can see Mewtah, Lugia, Graudon, Reshiram, Entei ...
And most importantly, you no longer need to spend time and money on acquiring such a collection, as it was before. Although not so simple. To catch all available rare Pokémon, you must own both versions of the games. However, it is not difficult to solve this problem if you exchange with friends.
By the way, the post-game is also wonderful, it will surely please the players who tried their hand in the first games. The cool team Team Rainbow Rocket - "Rainbow Rocket" is included in the work, and it consists of villains familiar from past games. In this crowd, it's easy to find Giovanni, Jesse's boss, and James - cartoon acquaintances. And the hero's task is to figure out why this company was brought to Alola and to stop it by all available means.
Fixed cons
Many fans of past games were unhappy with the nondescript appearance of Pokémon, and the developers in the new game have already tried. Added about a hundred new animals and several Pokemon, as a variant of the new generation. True, you cannot play with them online, as well as use the original Z-attacks. But the gamers were presented with mini-games that open up new opportunities. For example, capturing famous Pokémon using wormholes explored in space.
Several mini-games are worth mentioning separately:
- Mantine Surfe. Here you need to catch waves in the best traditions of surfing, only a Pokemon will act as a board! By the way, such tricks cost money, then you can buy something valuable for them or pay for attacks for the animals.
- Photo Club. Now you can select not only the Pokemon with which the selected character is photographed, but also the background, angle and other attributes. And also apply filters to pictures.
More fun to play
Earlier in the game, participants faced a problem when in puzzles when some characters did not have facial expressions. This moment was never fixed in the new "toy", but the interface was changed. Now, to save, you do not need to look for a menu item of a special section, but just press one button.
Other things worth mentioning:
- Quests at the Festival Plaza are being paid more generously.
- In the new version of the Battle Agency battle, you will now have to choose from 3 random Pokémon 1, with it you can destroy other teams.
Pokémon Ultra Sun slash Ultra Moon wins significantly in terms of graphics and music, which is not surprising given the technical capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS. Although experts point out that frame drops are noticeable, you can still talk about the pros. And in terms of music, the developers took most of the compositions from the original games, although they added new ones.
Summing it up
Perhaps the new versions came out a little earlier than necessary, since the fans of the game are not yet fed up with the old one and involuntarily compare it with it. But nevertheless, the novelty fully deserved the proud prefix "ultra", despite the delayed introduction. Changes in the plot can also be assessed in two ways, but, in any case, they are aimed at a plus. Therefore, it is worth trying and evaluating them.