Quake Champions

A lively and dynamic "shooter" - online multiplayer game "Quake Champions" was presented by specialists from id Software and Saber Interactive St. Petersburg. For the first time in the "Quake" series, champions have declared themselves, which have not only good reserves of speed and health, but also strong, rare abilities. But you need to technically use these talents with recharge.
Quake Champions Features
The developers focused on the abilities that were shown by the gamers of the first "shooters" - accuracy, reaction, knowledge of the map and the ability to calculate all their chances and possibilities in seconds. Account pumping and character improvement are provided, everyone has passive and active abilities, only the latter are triggered every 20-40 seconds. It is allowed to restore them with the help of found items, it turns out faster with an hourglass.
But the authors borrowed passive abilities from the early variations of "Quake". For example, Slash can move by sliding on his knees, Klach can move in jerks, the Ranger can teleport using a glowing sphere, and Galena can scatter mine totems. Everyone has the same weapons, but their health, armor, speed and damage indicators may differ.
Characters and their capabilities
Gamers note that not all heroes are as equal as the developers claim. Yes, they shoot in the same way, and no one will survive from being hit by a rocket, but active abilities are another matter. The more the heroes are promoted, the more difficult it is to call them the same. For example, when Nyx becomes invisible, and the Visor begins to see enemies through the walls, the balance clearly begins to tilt towards the owners of these lucky ones. After all, other guys do not have equal, strong talents.
Particularly annoying in the game is the ability to “head straight”, which the Scalebirer flaunts, because then it is almost impossible to resist him. The skill is active, it takes time to recover, but, on the other hand, you can replenish the stock with bonuses, which brings the hero back into action much faster.
Such an imbalance is forgivable in amateur games, but gamers are unhappy that Quake Champions is already claiming the title of an esports discipline, and this is a completely different alignment.
Weapons are a problem of choice
Simply put, in Quake Champions, the main thing is to run, dodge, jump, because if you stand still, you will quickly be taken out of the game. Of course, you can catch a bullet on the run, but a rocket is a little more difficult, so there are more chances to survive. From the previous series, the developers borrowed old, good icons offering weapons, health, armor or a temporary bonus. It is more convenient to play with them, but it is important to have time to take what you need, since the icons then disappear after taking the item. Skill in the fight for weapons is especially needed, because everyone wants a rocket launcher, you can't run against it with the same nail gun.
By the way, the authors did not drag the plasmagan, the grenade launcher and the BFG from the past. We decided to restrict champions with more modest weapons:
- machine gun;
- nail gun;
- shotgun;
- rocket launcher;
- lightning bolt;
- railgun.
At the beginning of the game, only 3 types of weapons are offered to choose, but then it can be improved. So, if the player already has a shotgun, then it is still worth looking at the icon, suddenly they will offer something more abruptly. By the way, if you run out of cartridges, you can use a saw for close combat. But only if the enemy does not have something more abruptly that hits sighting and from afar.
Arenas in Quake Champions
The authors decided to limit themselves to 3 arenas: based on the Q3DM6 remake - Blood Covenant, the ancient temple of Ruins of Sarnath and the Burial Chamber castle. The details are carefully thought out: long corridors, jumping platforms, trampolines. And also lava and bloody waterfalls, especially impressive is the huge eye chained to the ground.
Main Modes and Purchases
There is one more small "ambush". By default, only the Ranger is available to all players, but the rest can be rented for the in-hryvny currency. Or buy it permanently, but for real money.
What modes are offered for players:
- Massacre. When everyone fights only for himself.
- Team battle. They fight to the death of one of the characters.
- Duel. Face to face tournament.
- Obelisk. Here the bet is on the ability to hit and hold. A person appears in the arena who needs to be brought to his base and held there, protecting from attackers, as long as possible.
- Instant death. Fighting on railguns is easier to call suicide, since they "kill" characters with one hit. However, some gamers like it.
By the way, players still have the opportunity to get hold of good in chests, they are bought both for game currency and for real money. Such purchases do not give advantages in battle, but skins, stripes and other "goodies" are still in demand. In general, the game does not have particularly difficult episodes or "fancy" secrets, but having fun in your free time will be fun and interesting.