Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is one of the forefathers of modern tactical team shooters. The game that spawned dozens of memes and jokes that Gabe Newell would rather release a dozen new hats than think about developing Half-Life 3. A game that almost became an esports discipline, but then Overwatch took over this title. The game, which many associate with the era of closing computer clubs, because the Internet has become as accessible as possible, and it was no longer necessary even to leave the house to gather a team with friends.
In general, Team Fortress 2 is such an old-school shooter that it can only be compared to CS 1.6.
The grass turns green, the sun shines. And I, brother, hurt people
There are actually a bit more parallels between Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike 1.6 than it seems. Not only were both of these team shooters released by Valve and brought in so much money that the studio decided to drastically change its direction and turned into a marketplace for trading other games. They also start with fan crafts.
CS 1.6 was originally a modification for the first Half-Life. But then Valve took the developers under its wing and released the project as a completely separate game.
Team Fortress was originally a Quake mod. And the id Software studio made a huge mistake by not hiring developers into its staff. Valve, on the other hand, was far-sighted and hired the creators to release a full-fledged sequel. Even if Team Fortress 2 is infinitely different from its predecessor both in gameplay and visually.
A rather interesting moment happened with the visual component. While the first two modifications of the series were performed in a completely traditional style, Team Fortress 2 received cartoon graphics. Everything else was also adjusted to the visual component - the characters began to laugh left and right, militarism disappeared as a class, and the plot (yes, it is here) became very ironic and comedic.
Despite the fact that all TF2 gameplay consists exclusively of team matches (usually 4 × 4), the story is there. It tells the story of the relentless struggle between two transcontinental corporations, BLU and RED. Each of them seems to be pretending to be an ordinary construction and mining organization, but in reality, under the cover of factories, farms and work sites, there are missile silos, military bases and computer centers.
Team Fortress 2 Game Modes
Being a very thoughtful and sophisticated team game, Team Fortress 2 offers not only direct clashes between opposing groups, but also several additional modes - small tasks that you need to complete to win. The following conditions are presented:
- Capture the Flag. Each team has its own diplomat with military documents. The players' task is to capture the enemy's secret intelligence and deliver it to their base. At the same time, you need to protect your diplomat;
- Symmetrical capture of points. There are five key areas on the map. The task of each team is to bring everything under their control;
- Asymmetric capture of points. There are five key areas on the map, and all of them are under the control of the defensive team. The task of the attackers is to capture all these points until the end of the round. The task of the defenders is to keep them under their control until the end of the round;
- Territory control. Descent with capture of points. Near each point there is a controlled territory, which passes into the possession of the team that took possession of the site;
- Escort. One of the teams becomes the defender of the cargo cart moving across the map, and the other one is the attacker. The tasks are appropriate. The defenders need to take the cart to the exit from the map, the attackers need to intercept the cargo;
- Arena. In the center of the map is the only control point to be captured. Before the mission, there is a strict balancing of teams, and the deceased characters are not revived;
- Escort race. Similar to escort, only two carts, one for each team. The task is to prevent the enemy from delivering the cargo and bringing your trolley safe and sound.
These are just the main game modes. There are more than a dozen of them here! So you can find a mission for every taste.
Team Fortress 2 Character Classes
TF2 boasts a variety of not only maps and modes, but also classes. There are 9 of them here, and they are divided into three groups - Attack, Defense and Support.
The Attack group includes the Scout (fast but weak), Soldier (slow but well equipped) and Pyro (average speed and area damage). Protection is represented by the Demoman (below average speed, good equipment), the Heavy (extremely slow, but a huge supply of health) and the Engineer (weakly armed, but knows how to build anything). Support is Medic, Sniper and Spy.