Hey there my name is Schayan im 23 years old and i love gaming.
Ok honestly who at the age of 23 does not, so what makes me different between all the other 23 years old wanna be streamers like me?
Nothing beside of i litteraly run down because im that bad at evrything i play.Now you might think ok so he has no value to offer for hes Viewer so why should we watch him?
Well its quiet easy because i will try my best to entertain YOU!And make sure i engage to evryone in the Chat, i rather loose a game so i can talk to you guys instead of winning it by ignoring the Chat!
(ok there are exaptions when i play Tournaments tho!).Right now i love playing Eternal Return: Black Survival its some kind of RTS MOBA FIRST PERSON SHOOTER FANTASY MMORPG 360 no scope headshot game and i absolutely love it!
So yeah this is what i do for now and what i want to countinue for the future, so i would be insanely glad if you would join by and have a talk with me and maybe even help me out to reach my goals of being able to have this kind of enjoymend i do by streaming evryday!
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