I live a life of chronic pain called chronic pancreatitis, I've had since I was 14(got due to it runs in family not drinking related) so due to that everything for me is hard to do, even streaming and enjoying playing games. It gets hard to do so I try stream whenever I can, plus build my fivem server PaddyRP! I'm not rich not try to act like I am infact due to covid n cost of living my money is beyond stupidly low. I can't work or I work as the pain can't allow me to work so my life is basically pain, pain and more pain lots of tablets and more pain so yes I try stream n no I can't always go live, my pancreatitis doesn't allow me to have a full fun healthy live style...my twitch channel is called MrChronicGaming name fits me very well, due to the chronic pancretitis haha so yeah that's me nothing more nothing less...
https://twitch.tv/MrChronicGaming please if u can hit that follow button it doesn't cost nothing but helps me grow thanks if you wanna sub then of course I'd love u forever n may help give me more of a reason to push past the pain to go live more often.
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