Hello there, my names Josh, or Velocikektor on Twitch! and I am from the land of the Bri'ish.
I play a wide range of games, I'm never cemented into just one game since I like to play and enjoy a variation of titles throughout the weeks, days and months;
I do love Retro games, they really hit a soft spot from my carefree beanbag squatting childhood game days so I emulate a bunch of cool retro games from Ps1 games, SNES.. all sorts!So because my interest varies I could be playing either an Action game, RPG, FPS, Simulation, VR, Story Driven.. Adventure so It could be absolutely anything.
Heck I could be playing Space Chimps " A great request from a friend baha", Metal Gear Solid, Battlefield, honestly you name it I've probably more than likely got an interest in it!So get some snacks, grab a soda and watch me froth at the mouth at some ridiculous gaming shenanigans.
Technical support: streambooster.ru@gmail.com