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We poison our air and water to weed out the weak! We set off fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!
"Mankind has had ten thousand years experience of warfare and if he must fight he has no excuse for not fighting well.""It's our destiny to win the war, your courage will not go in vain, because today we either die like heroes, or return as gods!"
MAN HAS NO SHARP TEETH, like the lion; no great claws, like the bear, he cannot run as swiftly as the leopard; he carries no poison like the snake...
Yet this poor animal, man, with no fur to cover him, no fangs to tear with, no claws to scratch with, is master of the earth. The lion runs from him. The bull blind with fury, comes to him - and is dragged away by mules to the butcher shop. The elephant, the rhinocerous, even the snorting buffalo, at last have got mans measure, and, when they scent him, hurry to their hiding places.
For man despite his weaknesses, has two weapons which other creatures do not have: he has the insight which teaches him to use sticks, stones, and metals as his claws and teeth and that most efficient of machines, the hand, which does all the bidding of his mind, to turn stick, flint, and leather thong into weapons which will strike down even King Wolf himself...
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ffforfun registered on Stream Booster over 4 years ago. Was online over 2 years ago.