Hi my name is Felipe I am known as I KILL3Rz , I live in Brazil and unfortunately I only speak in my language and I hope everyone can understand and that this does not hinder the development of my channel because I need a lot of help from everyone to achieve my goals , but coming back on me I am a guy passionate about games and video games and since the 90's I am an active gamer and addicted to any type of platform and currently mine platform is the Xbox One S series console, I like various styles of games and whenever I start a new game having give my best And I'm currently playing Destiny 2.I'm starting in the streamer world and I ask that if possible everyone help me make my channel in twitch grow , I like to live the afternoon , but there are moments that I open the night too, so I hope that all together appear and talk I hope you that hug
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ykill3rz registered on Stream Booster over 4 years ago. Was online over 2 years ago.