Hello, my name is sinDIE and i am from Europe Romania, I am a proffessional Coocking Chef de partie, six Michelyn stars, Pizza Chef Baker. I like pizza as my main meal every day i eat pizza and i dont get very fat yes indeed. I would like to join this site wich will help me get popular on Twitch and make myself some million dollars per year like xqcow, thank you for accepting me. I will support this website with lots of dollars soon as i get a jobe, i lost my job cause covid lockdowns, or soon as i make revenue from Twitch.
I have very serious question, i am new to this streaming thing and i dont know but i read that is not allowed to do follow4follow or watch4watch on twitch, new rules?
- Can i get permaban on twitch from using this website? or will be a few days ban, or nothing at all?? can you answer please? gaming369@yahoo.com
Have a nice day!
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sinDIE registered on Stream Booster over 4 years ago. Was online over 3 years ago.
I like pizza