Salve a tutti, mi chiamo ScreaM e sono un appassionato di gaming. Ho cominciato il mio percorso videoludico con la passione verso giochi di Guida, Avventura e Manageriali. Odio profondamente l'imbroglio nei giochi online. Non ho un genere di giochi che preferisco, ma se siete curiosi, guardetemi.
Hi everyone, my name is ScreaM and I am a gaming enthusiast. I started my videogame journey with a passion for games of Driving, Adventure and Management. I hate cheating in online games. I don't have a favorite genre of games, but if you're curious, look at me.
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19ScreaM86 registered on Stream Booster over 7 years ago. Was online over two months ago.
Hi to everybody, my name is Tonio and i'm a passionate of gaming from many years. I don't have a kind of games that i prefer, but if you're curious, look at me.
Hi to everybody, my name is Tonio and i'm a passionate of gaming from many years.
I don't have a kind of games that i prefer, but if you're curious, look at me.