Just trying to find some people to fill my chat with fun conversation! Skaytzz, pronounced like Skates. I use this name as my gamer tag because growing up I was a really talented skateboarder who competed in AM competitions across the united states. Skateboarding was my first love and unfortunately I am unable to skate that much anymore since my body got destroyed from serving on Active Duty for 8 years... I primarily stream Warzone, but I do also enjoy streaming Smite, Apex Legends, Among Us, Fall Guys and Rogue Company.. I'm still relatively new to streaming, and I am just now getting back into video games after being deployed for 7 months so I might still be a little bit rusty. Anyways, I would appreciate any support I can get from this and hope that some people end up stopping by and chatting! Thank you for taking the time to read this and don't hesitate to stop by and say hello!
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Skaytzz registered on Stream Booster over 4 years ago. Was online over 4 years ago.
cool stream bro!